Manual Testing Interview Questions
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What is Reproducible Defect? and When we will rise that defect as Reproducible Defect?


2 12791

How to prepare boundary value test cases for 3 input values eg: to get the triangle type i am giving 3 sides a, b, c values should be 1<=a<=200,1<=b<=200,1<=c<=200....


2 4911

Hiei have cleared 2technical and hr round at even discussed about salary,he said there would be a client round which final.Can any one tell how to prepare for this round and what type questions i can expect.By the way this job is regarding 1+ exp on mobile app testing


3 6542

Hi all. I have 2 years exp in manual testing.Now i want to shift.i got so many email from other company that send ur cv .After sending no response from them .whats the reason.

1 3633

How to prepare tracability matrics

1 3845

Smoke testing done by whom


7 11013

how do you test for runtime error using manual testing

2 4145

can you tell me high priority low severity defect?

2 4335

Is it necessary to do retesting if we are going to do regression testing?please reply


3 5015

You have been given 2 projects to test, what are the key factors you consider when prioritizing you work load?


1 3356

You have raised a priority 1 bug that needs to be fixed for release tonight, the developer concerned is refusing to fix this, what do you do and why?


2 7500

What is V-model and explain differences between V-model and other SDLC models like waterfall, spiral etc

1 6565

Can we perform load testing on mobile phone?


5 6992

You have been given 2 projects to test, what are the key factors you consider when prioritizing you work load?

1 3825

what is real testing & comprehensive testing? plz rly me my qestion

1 3851

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Un-Answered Questions { Manual Testing }

What are the cases why parameterization is necessary when load testing the Web server and the database server?


How do test documents in a project span across the software development lifecycle?


Can you explain function points?


Hi, this is murthysharma. I need very urgently about some terms which are used in use cases? Plz give reply to me, if any body know, It is really very very urgent. 1. what is the difference between basic flow,exception flow and alternative flow? 2.what are non-functional requirements in use cases? 3.what are exceptions, special requirements, business rules, assumptions, constraints. Kindly give me with the example. Bcoz, I am very new to this use cases. thanks in Advance. Regards, M.MurthySharma


On what basis you are fixing up the time for project completion?


what is the use of l10n testing?


could u pls anyone tel me .."which is the best instute that provides eficient practical knowledge and also real-time oriented knowldge to do a project in manual and automation hyd" pls send me to dis mail-id if u find any..?


What do you do if the bug that you found is not accepted by the developer and he is saying its not reproducible.


name poneno dept sun 9894433467 computer This is the xls sheet a programs written to transfer this data into database write test cases and test scenario?


How do you scope out the size of the testing effort?


Testcases for msword( microsoct office word??


What is data matrix? What is the use of it?


When first time we are testing the screen then we have to write that this screen should contains so & so columns [ suppose there r 10 columns on that screen]in the expected result


How do u go about testing of web application?


What are the main key components in Web applications and Client Server applications? and their differences?