Manual Testing Interview Questions
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What is the RTM(Requirement Traceability Matrix)


1 5639

What is transient bugs ? How to reproduce those bugs? Can we log the those kind of bugs in tracking tool, if we found?

1 13345

define metrics? give me a brief detail about it?

3 4756

what is metrics in software testing? give me a brief detail about it?

1 4154

if u performing on real tym application ,u r getting some continous data n if some invalid data occurs wat types of testing is preferrable

2 4142

why Test plan & what r the things exactly include in the test plan and what is the need for this ?

Core Logic,

4 6114

what are the techniques(steps) to follow for writing test cases? could u explain me with brief real time example?


3 5954

which institute is best for manual testing through online classes

1 3145

i have a little confusion about and is that the web applications called and windows application called as please guide if there is a difference between and windows application or what????I am just a beginner ..pls guide..

1 2783

hi there… can any1 tel me small testing companies in bangalore to work…I hav learnt testing basics at home..I want to experience d job…watever may b d salary i dont bother..I just want to gain knowledge thanx in advance…

1 3251

what is the challenging position faced in the testing not in point of management point of view it must be in the point of while testing the application?

2 4027

Write scenarios as on a paper cup (which we use to have tea) [Believe me, they can ask any type of question! :)]

College School Exams Tests, IBM,

5 15320

As a testing engineer what to do if same defect is occured again in the software??

1 3355

As a testing engineer what to do if same defect is occured again in the software??

2 4653

What is Test Data ? Explain


5 8858

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Un-Answered Questions { Manual Testing }

What's the relationship between environment reality and test phases?


how to access a build & wat is its configuration


What r all the security problems u r facing & the measures taken to solve.


what is the test plan of facebook?


How we test the bulk of contents in web page using manual testing? Is any open source tool available for that ? Thanks in advance..


please send me interview questions asked in google in testing - manual


What is Wound Fixing?


what are all the things we will include in " what to be tested and what not to be tested" in Test Plan


Tell me agile process in your company


What is the difference between three tier and two tier application?


What is Snapshot Testing? When we need to do and who will involve in this process and also what is the output document of this testing


user id @ (or) (or) etc


Tell me the SRS based review,brs based review


what is difference between win 98 and win 2000 poertating system?which is better one?


I am having 2 years of experience in Manual Testing, 2marrow I have an interview with a Company. Which type of questions they will ask me?How should I prepare for interview?Please guide me so that I will clear the interview.