Test Cases Interview Questions
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What are test cases for Car Locking System?

GrapeCity, HCL,

7 23195

what is the technology used in financial applications?



How to create Test Data? What are the Fields in Test Data. Please any one specify the format of Test Data?

3 8719

Write the functional,system test case for a electric bulb which have two electric switches.


4 11179

Hi, i attended interview in seimens they asked me suppose u have a car which is used by VIP and it has 2 alarms one is at front and other is back when ever smoke or fire is near to car it will detect it and beep alaram so wat r the possible test cases u can write plz give the answer


2 8276

How to write test cases or test scripts for UAT testing which is done manually


how test cases can be made for a software

3 7735

What is the role of a tester in the test plan preparation? What elements tester physically develops in the test plan document.& what exactly this document contains?

Blue Star,

4 13755

Please give me some example of the test cases to test the Google map search


3 48428

how to search a Unix file system in Google search engine??? write the test cases foe that one???what will be the step


Hi My name is Hari Priya i had completed by b-tech csit 2008 pass out i had joined in testing tools does freshers having good opportunities in testing field? what are the topics to be stressed in the subject to have the good knowledge If any one have good collecton of testing topics can mail me padmajapriyam@gmail.com thank you.

19 16149

Can some body help to write possible test cases for a credit card at POS (point of sale)


What is the basic stuff you require to begin creating test cases?


5 10520

What is Initial Configuration?


how do you write the test cases?


4 8623

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Un-Answered Questions { Test Cases }

Can any tell to create test data for SUM (calculation), Scenario is 0 to 9 digits are available as we see in the calculator, I want to certify that the sum of the two numbers are working fine by providing test data.


Describe to me what you see as a process. Not a particular process, just the basics of having a process.


Explain the sanity testing?


How many test cases u will write for Acceptance testing?


Test a file replication service that copies files from one net location to another


How can we write a good test case?


how to write test case for GUI testing and tell me in brief about GUI and all related WEB based testing..if possible then pls give example of its test case...m new in testing........thannx for help in advance


Sample test cases for data conversion(Utility billing system)


please tel me how to write test case for search engine to track peoples,when user enter the city,state,zipcode(ex:Kansas city,Missouri,64155)? (note country is already selected as a united states )


If I have to write the test cases for any report & there is date box.then may I have to write only select date or have to write all steps required for selecting date


In a log in page what will be test procedure, test scenario, test description & test steps?


I want 100 test scenario for gmail


write a test case for telephone billing ?


Could you pls give me sites where i can test card? mail me to


Explain the ad hoc testing?