Automation Testing Interview Questions
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what is the difference between link and hyperlink?


10 51703

How we can merge the object repositories?say if we have two or three object repositories then how e can merge them? is there any option in Qtp to merge the object repositories


5 12517

what are recovery management techiniques?

BirlaSoft, GL Noble Denton,

2 7776

Does QTP provides any tools for parametarization?


3 7067

How we can add actions in the test using QTP?


4 11077

Do we get any issues if we run the testscript on different browsers? what are the options we need to st in QTP?


2 5819

what are the challenges do we face while testing webbased applcations using the automation tool QTP or any?


4 29011

Wat is the defferances between Test plan and devolopment plan?

3 4249

How you used WinRunner in your project?

1 3287

Explain WinRunner testing process?

2 4552

What is contained in the GUI map?

1 3259

How does WinRunner recognize objects on the application?

3 4423

Have you created test scripts and what is contained in the test scripts?

1 3017

How does WinRunner evaluate test results?

1 3742

Have you performed debugging of the scripts?

1 3269

Un-Answered Questions { Automation Testing }

What is report header and what are the information contains?


What is datadriven framework and keyword driven?


What is qtpro?


what are the critical test cases in crm? tell me atleast 5 critical test cases? what are the critical bug u find out while testing crm domain?


Enlist the components of selenium.


How you will switch from one frame to another?


How many test cases you have automated per day?


What are the Win Runner tools for functional testing?


What are the different recording modes?


1.Write a CRITICAL test cases for calculator ? 2.What is the difference b/w FRS and SRS documents ? 3.What is Component ? 4.What is object ? 5.what is the difference b/w static and dynamic descriptive programming ?


What is the use of gui map and what happens when the gui map file get loaded?


How many ways is to parameterize the value?


Are there any suitable free tools to conduct performance test on a php web application?Manual or automation which is preferable for such kind of application? please answer ASAP


what is the use of generate script that is avaliable 3 places(file settings, tools, object identification)


Why do we use "Text checkpoint" If we can make use of it in "standard checkpoint" ?