UPSC Political Science Interview Questions
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prsently who is the chairman of planning commission with designation?

2 4102

who is the chair man of public accounts committee? who is the chair man of yojana commission? who is the chair man of finance commission?

1 4092

what is the history of Banazir bhoto

2 4587

can u send me last yrs mpsc question papers?


who is andhra pradesh state present c m?


8 9948

who is the new leader of the isro

Dainik Bhaskar,

6 8663

What are schedules related to the indian constitution? the meaning of these schedules???

2 15342

what is money bill

4 5685

The Drafting Committee of the Indian Constitution was headed by

6 9003

what was the criterea to be elected in british parliament for indians before 15 august1947 ?

2 4737

constitutional name of india


4 6127

which country's independence day is same with india?

Google, UPSC,

8 19944

The first American President who visited India


13 15038

The Structure of Indian Constitution is ?

Dhanlaxmi Bank,

4 6349

how to encourage right person in politics or how a entrance exam can be conducted for polititions

4 4823

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What is the difference between public agencies, voluntary agencies and semi government agencies


in maharastra cooperative organisation for buying and selling are known as?