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India Post Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

Champion?s trophy is associated with which game ? (a) Cricket (b) Hockey (c) Football (d) Tennis

10 29840

The practice of military governorship was first introduced in India by the (a) Greeks (b) Shakas (c) Parthians (d) Mughals

4 26117

The black hole theory was discovered by (a) S. Chandrasekhar (b) Har Gobind Khorana (c) C.V. Raman (d) S. Ramanujan

3 34138

Which of the following is not a Central Government tax? (A) Corporation tax (B) Customs Duty (C) Income Tax (D) Land Revenue

4 19610

The right to Property as a Fundamental Right from the list of Fundamental Rights was removed by virtue of (a) Fourth Amendment (b) Twenty-fourth Amendment (c) Forty-second Amendment (d) Forty-fourth Amendment

4 9605

?Dogri? language is spoken in which of the following States? (a) Assam (b) Bihar (c) Orissa (d) Jammu and Kashmir

1 16245

Which of the following awards is given for Agricultural Research? 1 Dr.Homi Bhabha Award 2 Ramon Magsaysay Award 3 Borlaug Award 4 Shanti Swrup Bhatnagar Award

12 24043

. How many PIN Code Zones are there in India (1) 6 (2) 7 (3) 8 (4) 9

15 54966

. The colour of a star is an indication of its (a) Distance from the sun (b) Luminosity (c) Distance from the earth (d) Temperature

11 38403

I'would like to know the type of questios asked for STA (senior technical assistant)interview in DRDO.whats the nature of the interview? whether theres HR and Technical interview?

2 9045

i want to know the previous year question paper of preliminary examination of west bengal civil service.

2 6255

which is the biggest enterprise of the government of india?

2 17781

in a closed room, if the door of refrigerator is left open what will be the effect on temperature in the room. explain. 2. what is rift valley. Define.

4 13243

Sir, I am selected for Postal assistant exam.... Tel me the future promotions,incentives in postal department..... I heard there is Increase in DA for every 6 months and yearly increments.... pls give me a clear picture of the above queries....... am waiting for the reply

9 96649

How to prepare for G.K. in postal assistant exam?


Post New India Post Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

What is pointer to pointer in c with example?


What is the highest temperatures humans can survive?


What is the meaning of c++?


What is the communication channel between client and namenode/datanode?


What do you mean by a framework in auto ation?


What is meant by derating factor?


Will I lose windows 10 if I factory restore?


What are the major differences between html tags and strut specific html tags?


What is a linq cardiac monitor?


How datacontractserializer different from xmlserializer?


How many types of spread spectrum techniques are used in cdma?


What is ansible and what makes it stand out from the rest of the configuration management tools?


What is difference between gr blocked stock and blocked stock?


Which are the important points to note when multilanguage data is stored in a table?


What is ram parity?