Solaris AllOther Interview Questions
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Suppose if u want to reconfigure the kernel then how ur going to do?

3 7545

You can ping servers on the subnet your workstation is on, but not other subnets. Why?

2 5704

If you can ping a server, but can't telnet or ssh to it, whats wrong?


8 37564

If you mistype a password, how do you clear it out to retype the password again?

Genpact, WNS,

11 26115

If fsck is running, one thind u should not do.. what's that?

3 7303

If you try to send an e-mail to someone and the following message appear "Message Undeliverable", what could be wrong?


3 8104

How do you give a user access to an application or program that needs to run as root without giving them the root password?

3 8681

How can you set EEPROM settings from Solaris?

Aricent, HP,

4 16177

What is OBP and how u r going to access it?

3 11051

What is LOM and how ur going to access it?

3 7747

What is VTS..??

3 6738

What is meant by jumpstart?


2 5601

What is JASS?


1 6201

Difference between NFS version 2 and NFS version 3?

2 8075

What is RPC? Why do I need it?

5 14188

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Un-Answered Questions { Solaris AllOther }

What is the use of Sam utility in solaris


Local zone in shutting down to bring state of zone to installed?


How do u know that,what patch can be applicable on the system?


when i am starting solaris10 with 'fail safe mode' on intel machine it is asking "#starting shell".what is it and how to solve this problem?


What is the zone in DNS?


Hi, I need information regarding LDOMS.Like What is LDOMS ,Creation of LDOMS, errors on LDOMS, troubleshooting LDOMS...etc.... pls post the info. Regards, Naresh


what is mean by netfmd in sun cluster what is the use of netfmd and what is the relation between ccd and netfmd?


How to create a gateway?


What is cachefs?


how can u give space garentee for volume in netapp storage


In a two node cluster i have typed #hastart command in one node.The cluster is starting in second node also,what is going in background?


hi to all,, i need few real time issues please provide me,, if you have any,,,