C++ General Interview Questions
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What is the size of pointer ? Also size of pointer in 64 bit pointer

4 6160

Live example for static function?


1 4063

How do you import payscale data from non SAP to SAP?is it through LSMW or any other way is there?


given the code segment below void main() { cout<<"my no. is"; } question is how can we get the output hai aravind my no. is 99999999999 without editig the main().

2 4563

I want to write a C++ language program that: 1. Reads in the size of a square from the screen; 2. Prints a hollow square of that size out of “-“, “|” and blanks on screen; 3. Prints the same hollow square onto a text file. The program should work for squares of all side sizes between 1 and 20.


Reads in the size of a square from the screen; 2. Prints a hollow square of that size out of “-“, “|” and blanks on screen; 3. Prints the same hollow square onto a text file. Your program should work for squares of all side sizes between 1 and 20. --- │ │ │ │ │ │ ---


Write a C++ program that asks the user to choose a number between 1 and 1000. Then, your program should be able to guess the number by asking the user no more than 10 yes/no questions. Use a while loop in your program

1 6276

Write a program to read the data and evaluate the results of the election. Print all output to the screen. Your output should specify: The total number of votes, the number of valid votes and the number of spoilt votes. The winner(s) of the election. Hint: An appropriate search should be used to determine the winner(s). The votes obtained by each candidate sorted in terms of the number of votes obtained. Hint: An appropriate sort should be used to sort the candidate(s). The Source code should be saved as VotingSystem. Project Input: Candidates’ Names and Numbers 2501 Victor Taylor 2502 Denise Duncan 2503 Kamal Ramdhan 2504 Michael Ali 2505 Anisa Sawh 2506 Carol Khan 2507 Gary Owen Votes 3 1 2 5 4 3 5 3 5 3 2 8 1 6 7 7 3 5 6 9 3 4 7 1 2 4 5 5 1 4 0 Project Output: Invalid vote: 8 Invalid vote: 9 Number of voters: 30 Number of valid votes: 28 Number of spoilt votes: 2 The winner(s): 2503 Kamal Ramdhan 2505 Anisa Sawh Candidate Score 2503 Kamal Ramdhan 6 2505 Anisa Sawh 6 2501 Victor Taylor 4 2504 Michael Ali 4 2502 Denise Duncan 3 2507 Gary Owen 3 2506 Carol Khan 2


How do you print for example the integers 3,2,1,5,4 in a binary tree within the console in format where it looks like an actual binary tree?


what Is DCS ? what i will get benefit when i did?


program explaining feautures of c++



Why did you leave your last job?

2 3956

What is the output of this prog. ? struct A { A(){ cout << \"A\"; } }; struct B { B(){ cout << \"B\"; } }; struct C { C(){ cout << \"C\"; } }; struct D { D(){ cout << \"D\"; } }; struct E : D { E(){ cout << \"E\"; } }; struct F : A, B { C c; D d; E e; F() : B(), A(),d(),c(),e() { cout << \"F\"; } };

2 4460

sir there is some problem with nokia5130c-2,when we are trying to upload movies from net then there is a error occurred"FORMAT NOT SUPPORTED" bt its all ready in 3gp format.please tell me what i do now?


2 4660

why v use c++ even we have microprocessor


2 6989

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Un-Answered Questions { C++ General }

Can I create my own functions in c++?


What is the difference between the indirection operator and the address of oper-ator?


What is auto type c++?


Does c++ have a hash table?


What is pure virtual function? Or what is abstract class?


Can create new c++ operators?


write a c++ program to create class student having datamember name,Roll_no,age,and branch intilcization all the member using constructor print the all the details on the screen.


Which is best c++ or java?


Describe linked list using C++ with an example.


What is function overriding in c++?


On throwing an exception by the animal constructor in p = new animalq, can memory leak occur?


Is c++ a good first language to learn?


I want to write a C++ language program that: 1. Reads in the size of a square from the screen; 2. Prints a hollow square of that size out of “-“, “|” and blanks on screen; 3. Prints the same hollow square onto a text file. The program should work for squares of all side sizes between 1 and 20.


what is multi-threading in C++?


Explain object slicing in c++?