C++ General Interview Questions
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What you mean by early binding and late binding? How it is related to dynamic binding?

1 827

What is meant by reference variable in C++?

1 784

How to create a reference variable in C++

1 821

What are the difference between reference variables and pointers in C++?

1 786

What will the line of code below print out and why?


What is the error in the code below and how should it be corrected?


What will i and j equal after the code below is executed? Explain your answer.

1 838

What are the different data types present in C++?

4 1399

What are class and object in C++?

1 896

Compare compile time polymorphism and Runtime polymorphism

1 749

What do you know about friend class and friend function?

1 769

Define inline function

1 796

What is a reference in C++?

1 886

What do you mean by abstraction in C++?

1 795

What do you mean by call by value and call by reference?

4 1148

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Un-Answered Questions { C++ General }

What is a c++ map?


What is the difference between equal to (==) and assignment operator (=)?


Why we use #include iostream in c++?


Differentiate between a constructor and a destructor in c++.


Why do we use setw in c++?


Array base access faster or pointer base access is faster?


what are the iterator and generic algorithms.


What is the main use of c++?


How do I run a program in notepad ++?


Is c++ a dying language?


Why do we need function?


Am studying basic c++ programming, have been given the following assignment. Design a linear program to calculate the maximum stress a material can withstand given a force and a diameter of a circle. To find the required area pi should be defined. Have most of the program sorted out but am at a loss as to how to show the calculations required. Can anyone help?


Explain deep copy and a shallow copy?


Write a program to find the reverse Fibonacci series starting from N.


How long does it take to get good at leetcode?