what is the difference between vsam and dataset how do u create vsam dataset which file you r used?
2 10190looking at the basic definition of VSAM file how to recognize whether it is a KSDS OR RRDS OR ESDS ?
2 9412OPEN INPUT StudentFile READ StudentFile AT END SET EndOfStudentFile TO TRUE END-READ PERFORM UNTIL EndOfStudentFile DISPLAY StudentId SPACE StudentName SPACE CourseCode SPACE YOBirth READ StudentFile AT END SET EndOfStudentFile TO TRUE END-READ END-PERFORM CLOSE StudentFile STOP RUN what will be output
2166write a program to read from a VSAM file , there will be a 5 records to create name. empno. resignation and address to update in a db2 table and call another program using dynamic call to find the matching fields in program 1 to update in db2 table. anybody pls send de program for dis ? thanks in advance...
2362How to open VSAM file from 3.4? i have millions of records and i dont want to use the print ch ids(/) command bcz it takes to much time. so if you have any another command to open this plz tell me.
2 23250In a KSDS file, key is missing for one record. How to insert the key for that particular record from back up file. Is there any sorting needed for the back up file before the key insertion?
write a program to read from a VSAM file , there will be a 5 records to create name. empno. resignation and address to update in a db2 table and call another program using dynamic call to find the matching fields in program 1 to update in db2 table. anybody pls send de program for dis ? thanks in advance...
what will happen if there is no secondary allocation made for datasets?
On which dataset you can have alt index?
What is a ca split?
explain how many ways you can load data in a vsam cluster?
How to get the last record in vsam file in cluster? And how can u get the ksds file records into cobol program?
How do you define an altindx?
What is the place for VSAM KSDS?
what do you mean by define model parameter?
What is the purpose of relative record data set used in vsam?
If fspc(100 100) is specified does it mean that both the control interval and control area will be left empty because 100 % of both ci and ca are specified to be empty?
Differentiate between ci split and ca split?
Is it slower if you access a record through alt index as compared to primary index?
what is meant by s0c-07 system abend codes?
what is the probability of a complete system distortion under high end low performing multiprocessor job?