COBOL Interview Questions
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What does MAXCC 3 means? It is used in one my codes.


2 12839

I've one string with spaces ( I N D I A ). My question is I want remove the spaces & combine in to single string without space (INDIA).How we can write the cobol program & wich options we need to use. Please let me know.


10 19184

how can count the number of character in feild ?? suppose for instance i have a feild with value ' rajesh sarkar' then how can v count the number of characters whitout spaces...........


4 9072

I encountered an error when I move spaces to a numeric field?What should I do to move spaces on that field?help please.

9 10031

Please let me know at which Scenarios we will go for STATIC call or DYNAMIC


3 5856

In A cobol program , we can use COPY Statement in FILE- SECTION / WORKING-STORAGE SECTION / ENVIRONMENT DIVIION basically what is the difference


3 9485

what is qualification on occurs clause?

2 5150

What is diff betn PS and ESDS file? What is the diffrent compiler options in cobol and there discription? What is retrive nth maximum salary from salary DB2 table. Can we redefine COM-3 variable with varchar variable?

4 7162

why 02 level number can't be use as a separate level number like 01 or 77 ?

3 5214

can we display comp-3 variables. if we want to display what we have to do . give me one example

CGI, Deloitte,

6 46671

BY seeing a program how can we say that it is static call or dynamic call


5 10911

88 class is used for


5 8559

how to access vsam files in cobol and how to differentiate that this is ESDS file


1 6900

How can we know that cobol program is using report file or simple file....?

4 7146

can I copy book which contain db2 statment in procedure divion?

Bank Of America,

2 8432

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Un-Answered Questions { COBOL }

For rewrite, why is it mandatory that file needs to be opened?


What is an in line perform? When would you use it? Anything else you wish to say about it.


How do define dynamic array in cobol.


What is the utilization of copybook in cobol? Could we utilize a similar copybook?


what is amode(24), amode(31), rmode(24) and rmode(any)?


I need to compare 3 variables(dates) and do some processing based on the earliest date. There could be more then 1 date record in any of the 3 fields. What is the best way to code this?


HOw can I get the negative sign while deduct high value from low value


What is redefines clause in COBOL?


How arrays can be defined in COBOL?


How to fetch 1000 error records from VSAM file(Eg: 1000000 records present) while getting SOC7 abend ?


Name the divisions, which are available in a cobol program?


Mention the guidelines to write a structured cobol program?


What is the difference between PIC 9.99 and 9v99 in COBOL?


how do you reference the rrds file formats from cobol programs


What is the compute verb? How is it used?