Informatica Interview Questions
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Source --------- eno , ename, sal 001,ank,1000 002,behe,2000 003,raj,2500 Target ------- header :DDMMYYYY24MMSS timestamp body: 001,ank,1000 002,behe,2000 003,raj,2500 footer: count(eno),sum(sal) how to implement the same in a FF tgt?


2 3607

i have 50500 records in my source.if wf run for the first time it will load 1000 records into 1 tgt,if runs second time it will load to another tgt.targets are FF and it is need to be created many tgt will be created and how?


1 3944

i have a source table and 3 target table. when session runs first time-1st tgt second time-2nd tgt third time-3rd tgt fourth time-again 1st target. so no


4 5496

Scenario is like this: Name Sal A 10; B 20; C 30; Then Output should be Name Sal A 10; B 20; C 30; Total 60; Use SQL For this scenario

TCS, Wipro,

4 6088

Mine is Insurance Domain, So interviewer asked about terms like underwriting, disbursement amt, Reinsurance

TCS, Wipro,


when load type is selected as bulk or normal in session level ?let me know the internal process and give me an example?

3 5090

How to read data from flat file source if the data is in paragraph format?


2 3834

what are the best practices to extract data from flat file source which are bigger than 100 mb memory?



what is the difference between repository & Intergration service

1 3666

My source is this year 01/jun/2014 04/may/2015 09/mar/2017 my desired output is day month ye 01 jun 2014 04 may 2015 09 mar 2017 how do i acheive this

2 2849

I am new to informatica and learning it,can anybody please tell me how we receive source as flat file in informatica,from where we get this flat file?


Can we make worklet inside worklet?

1 6090

I have 1 crore record in my table and I have to load 25 L in 1st target,25L in 2nd target and 25L in 3rd target? I am new to Informatica,can anybody suggest me the idea?

2 3491

How to load query faster,so that It will take less time to load?

BNP Paribas,

1 2994

rank() over (partition by opt2.dim_plat_site_id, opt2.dim_site_opt_sid order by case when opt2.dm_market_flg in ('Y', 'U') then 1 else 2 end, lkp.contact_rank) as rank1, case opt2.contact_type when 'Buyer' then row_number() over (partition by opt2.dim_plat_site_id, opt2.dim_site_opt_sid, lkp.contact_rank order by has_name_flg desc, ship_to_flg desc , last_order_dt desc) when 'Decision Maker' then row_number() over (partition by opt2.dim_plat_site_id, opt2.dim_site_opt_sid, lkp.contact_rank order by has_name_flg desc , last_quote_dt desc , mailability_score desc , source_ranking desc) when 'Influencer' then row_number() over (partition by opt2.dim_plat_site_id, opt2.dim_site_opt_sid, lkp.contact_rank order by has_name_flg desc, mailability_score desc, source_ranking desc) when 'Payer' then row_number() over (partition by opt2.dim_plat_site_id, opt2.dim_site_opt_sid, lkp.contact_rank order by has_name_flg desc, mailability_score desc, source_ranking desc) --elu 05/28/2013 else row_number() over (partition by opt2.dim_plat_site_id, opt2.dim_site_opt_sid, lkp.contact_rank order by has_name_flg desc, mailability_score desc, source_ranking desc) end rank2 row_number() over (partition by opt3.dim_plat_site_id, opt3.dim_site_opt_sid order by rank1,rank2) as "rank", case when "rank"<= opt3.maximum_value then 'Y' else 'N' end as include_flg


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