Informatica Interview Questions
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Data is passed from one active trans and one passive trans into a passive transformation.Is the mapping valid or invalid?


18 31590

What is a candidate key?


7 14327

Suppose we have a (assume relational) source table Product_Id Month Sales 1 Jan x 1 Feb x . . . . . . 1 Dec x 2 Jan x 2 Feb x . . . . . . 2 Dec x 3 Jan x 3 Feb x . . . . . . 3 Dec x . . . . . . and so on. Assume that there could be any number of product keys and for each product key the sales figures (denoted by 'x' are stored for each of the 12 months from Jan to Dec). So we want the result in the target table in the following form. Product_id Jan Feb March.. Dec 1 x x x x 2 x x x x 3 x x x x . . So how will you design the ETL mapping for this case , explain in temrs of transformations.

Accenture, VAMA,

5 9437

In a simple mapping when i use aggregate t/r with out any condition or group by, i am getting output as only last record in the table . can any one explain it please.........?

4 5721

How can i set break points in debugging mode ? can explain steps please?


1 13698

SO many times i saw "$PM parser error " .what is meant by PM?

1 7961

Please tell me which institute is the best to study Informatica and in chennai Also please send me the latest interview questions in,c# and sql server to my id


i have a table like empid ename year month sal 1 x 98 jan 500 1 x 98 feb 500 1 x 98 mar 500 1 x 99 jan 600 1 x 99 feb 600 2 y 98 jan 600 2 y 98 feb 600 2 y 98 mar 600 2 y 99 jan 700 2 y 99 jan 700 and so on i want to find out totsal for every emp on year wise plz help me

Magna Infotech,

4 9446

i have a table like empid ename year month sal 1 x 98 jan 500 1 x 98 feb 500 1 x 98 mar 500 1 x 99 jan 600 1 x 99 feb 600 2 y 98 jan 600 2 y 98 feb 600 2 y 98 mar 600 2 y 99 jan 700 2 y 99 jan 700 and so on i want to find out totsal for every emp on year wise plz help me

2 5121

Can anyone tell me, when a flat file contains different kinds of delimeters available for each line ( For Ex: First line contains [,*&#$] and second line contains [%@$#%^]. Like that all records having different kinds of delimeters. How can we implement this kind of flat file in informatica?

2 6221

Update strategy transformation is an active transformation.How it changes the number of records that pass through it? Please explain....

2 20278

How can we get multiple output values using an unconnected lookup transformation?


2 15711

Is informatica power center designer has 64 bit support?

1 5382

How can a Lookup with Dynamic Cache be replaced in a mapping? Explain.


2 6840

i have an aggregater in my mapping and no group by port on any column and i ampassing 100 rows through aggregater,so how many rows i will get as out put from aggregater

5 7662

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Un-Answered Questions { Informatica }

How would you join a node to the already existing domain?


Define pmcmd command?


Explain the different kinds of facts.


How to create the source and target database connections in server manager?


What are the settings that you use to configure the joiner transformation?


Informatica Server and Client are in different machines. You run a session from the server manager by specifying the source and target databases. It displays an error. You are confident that everything is correct. Then why it is displaying the error?


What is the way to execute pl/sql script using informatica mapping?


Describe expression transformation?


what is the hint? how to use it to reduce the query processing in program?


Hello, Can you please send the admin and advanced mapping design sample questions to


Suppose we have two source qualifier transformations sq1 and sq2 connected to target tables tgt1 and tgt2 respectively. How do you ensure tgt2 is loaded after tgt1?


What is meant by target load plan?


On which transformations you created partitions in your project?


what are the best practices to extract data from flat file source which are bigger than 100 mb memory?


Can one use mapping parameter or variables created in one mapping into any other reusable transformation?