what are the components in the cognos connection page consists (eg: my folder, public folder,directions, schedule management tool etc.....)
1763what does my folder and public folder contains? difference between the my folder and public folder?
3 8305what is an outer join? difference between left outer join right outer join with an example?
1 10221what is cardinality that you can give to employee and department query subjects in framework manager?
2 6026what is prompt types of prompt example briefly each types of product (eg:values, date,search,prompt etc.)
1 17231how can create a report like if the salary>50,000 display balance,if salary<50,000 display green?
6 7759
What do you understand by the term 'aggregate advisor?'
how you create security to reports?
What is Online View?
What is defined as data mining?
i have taken quantity on ANx-axis & months on y-axis(months r not in oreder )when i run the reoprt i need months in proper order .how can i do this ?
Define report item?
which type of project we r going to snowflake schema
What are the message flows?
What is the difference between Section and Section using Master/Detail in Cognos 8 Report Studio? I tried these both options many times on lists and crosstabs, but dint find any difference. So please give the answer in detail with example.
what are the names of the reports that you prepared?
Synchroness 1.What are hash prompts? Ans: Tree prompts in which hierarchies can be seen,they can be said as hash prompts. 2.User wants to see 5 more coloums in the report.We have package and data base,how will u implement using it in report.? Ans: 3.What is automatic optimization?what is optimization?what are the properties you set for optimization in report studio? 4.what is command to display first 10 records from a table? IGATE 1.In FM if we change a fact symbol to attribute,will it effect the report? 2.If a report is slow in generating output. How do u perform tuning? How do u reduce joins in sql? Using left outer join is it going to improve the report performance? IBM 1.How do you configure ? 2.How do you drill through report from RS to Analysis studio?
Define metrics studio?
What you mean by drill across?
Please Answer this Questions: 1.In FWM We have to create Hierarchies, Condition is we don't know the correct levels in the Hierarchies, in this case how can we find out the levels (year->Quarters->month->day)in data? 2. In FWM Standalone Filter is for Reusable purpose & Embedded Filter we cant resuse.but is this possible to convert the Embedded filter to standalone filter? 3.What are the differences between Relational Database Model & Multi Dimensional Database? 4.In Drill Down/ Drill Up, How to specify the limits for example in a report there is 6 Drill down is possible, but i want only 3 Drill downs, the report should not allow 4 Th Drill Down.How to make this ? 4. What are the limitations in Select and Search Prompt ?
What are the different kinds of panes included in cognos?