Law AllOther Interview Questions
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What are the most important attributes for a successful negotiation?


This position requires travel, sometimes frequent, sometimes infrequent, to Independence to cover the civil docket there. Are you willing to travel?


Generally civil law requires much more paperwork with respect to filing, document production, motions, etc. Shall you explain about your writing experience and skills?

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Most of the time you will be required to work without direct supervision. Tell me about times when you were given this autonomy and why you believe you are best suited for this position?


What are the experiences you had in the past that makes you certain that you are prepared to practice civil law?


What are the duties of the position for criminal affairs?

BBC, Cyber Policies,


This post does not have a normal trial docket. You will be assigned to cases where the defendant's crime occurred in your patrol division. How do you feel about not being in the normal trial rotation?


Many times law enforcement are certain that a particular crime has been committed by a defendant. What is your response if there is not enough evidence to stand at a criminal trial?


You will be required to attend community meetings throughout the month. Are you available to attend these meetings that occur after/before regular business hours?


How you will handle a situation where a police officer wants a warrant signed or wants to file particular charges and you do not agree with his/her assessment?


You will be in a position that is the focus of community attention.What are the necessary characteristics to maintain the integrity of our office?


The judge may give a lighter sentence than the victim and or community believe are fair. How you address the victim or community's concern regarding the sentence?


Essential to community prosecution is community involvement, which would persuade judges to give greater sentences to those who continually commit crimes in certain areas. How you generate community support?


Why you want to work with the Prosecutor's Office?


will you consider yourself to be a patient person?


Post New Law AllOther Questions

Un-Answered Questions { Law AllOther }

If we lived in a world of angels would there be any need to have the law?


What is purchase limit that Road permit form 38 (Sales Tax) in not required when goods purchase from other state in U.P.


CASE STUDY (i) A invites B to a dinner party. B accepts the invitation. A made elaborate arrangements but B failed to turn up. Can A sue B for the loss he has suffered? (ii) On the other hand, if B went to the venue for the dinner party. To his surprise he finds that no dinner Arrangement has been made. B had spent a certain amount to reach the venue. Can B sue A for the loss he (B) has suffered? (iii) A sees a rare book displayed in a shop. It is labeled “First Edition Rs.15” A enters the shop and puts Rs. 15 on the counter and asks for the book. The book- seller does not agree to sell saying that the Real price of the book is Rs.50 and that it had been marked Rs.15/- by mistake. Is the book seller Bound to sell the book for Rs.15/- (iv) On the 5th of a month A makes an offer to B by a letter which reaches B on the 6th On the 7th B posts his letter of acceptance. Meanwhile, on the 6th a posts a letter to B revoking the offer. On seeing it B sends a telegram to A on the 8th confirming the acceptance given through his letter on the 7th Discuss the legal effects of the three letters and the telegram. Note: Assignment should consist of about 200 words per case-let. I.e. totally 800 words (about 4 pages) for the Entire case study. Questions: Q1. Introduction of the subject being discussed and the principle enunciated in the Law. Q2. Enumerate the facts of the decided case on the point. Q3. Explain the decision pronounced by the Court of Law in each of these cases.


will you consider yourself to be a patient person?


Proof reading,style setting, and fomating of text done by any person is coverd the net of service tax??


If you have got a client who refuses to go to court despite being summoned for multiple charges. What advice would you give him?


Many times,civil cases result in compromise and settlement agreements. When was the last time you successfully negotiated your stance?


Are the Sub-contractors are exempted from paying of Service tax where main contractor is exempted.


Would you be willing to branch out into any other area of law, if there is a need?


one of my foreigner friend's father died in car accident,he had a sum of $4700000 forty seven lakh us dollar with nomine my partner now no body is there to look after her that and she wants to transfer all this money in my account so that she can join me in India freely,so please advise me about the circular of law and banking,i have no idea about that.


This post does not have a normal trial docket. You will be assigned to cases where the defendant's crime occurred in your patrol division. How do you feel about not being in the normal trial rotation?


Hi I am Paranita, I am holding H1B visa from 15-Jan-2012 and valid for next 3 years. I have applied the visa through my a MNC from india and they commited to send me with in few days after visa approved but it is already 6 months still nothing has been materialised and no idea when there will be any USA travel processing. My question, is it advisable to leave the company and change a new one in india, and again whether the visa will valid if i will change the company and in future if i will get any project to work from USA with this visa.


Can a credit card account receivable be understood under the meaning of UCC Article 3 sec.104 as a "Negotiable Instrument"?


Whether Service Tax credit Can be taken and TDS can be deducted from freight inward and Outward on purchases ?


can we issue a waybill to the contractor for entering his equipment from outside the state( i.e Odisha) for completion of contract in the state of Odisha???