Accounting AllOther Interview Questions
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what is bank reconcilietion


18 20116

most recently asked questions

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what is accrual income ?

Capital IQ, Cognizant, Genpact,

15 22474

meaning of accounts payable

Accounting, Volkswagen,

13 27299

I am going to attend an interview for the post of Accounts Officer in NCMSL Co.(procurement co.),So pls help me for the interview.

1 3448

Canu send me account aptitude questions

Genpact, Hyundai,

8 14888

what happens in the stockmarket when RBI changes the CRR rates(REPO RATES)


6 13605

what is surcharge?

Perot Systems,

8 19349

what is priority?

2 4409

what is F B T?

3 7494

why stock market goes to bearish mode when RBI hikes CRR rates?


1 4332

what is ADVANCE,DECLINE ratio. also explain how it helps the investor to predict the stock market movements?


3 6302

Define mortgage

2 8060

What do you mean by capital?

8 15425

what is Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and Certificate Of Deposit (CD)?


1 3636

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Un-Answered Questions { Accounting AllOther }

why did rbi hiked repo and reverse ratio and how it will effect the market


Define Salry for the following purpose 1.To calculate HRA


Upto what age PF will be deducted for an employee? And what age he is eligible to gratuity?


How to Calculate PF with interest or without interest.


i want know how to calculate it in payroll please mail me the percentages using there ?


From the following find out a. Profit Volume ratio b. Break even point c. Sales for 40% P/V Ratio d. Margin of safety from the sales Rs 3,00,000 e. Net profit from the sales of Rs 3,00,000 f. Required sales for the new profit of Rs 70,000 g. Required sales for the net profit of Rs 70,,000 after tax, the corporate income tax being 40% h. Additional sales required to convert an increase of Rs 3000 p.a. in the sales manager salary Sale 2,00,000 Variable Overheads 1,50,000 Profit 50000 Fixed overheads 15000 Net profit 35000 Sl No Heads of Account Debit Rs Credit Rs 1 Drawing and Capital 750 15,000 2 Stock as on 01.01.2009 69720 3 Bills Receivable and bills payable 1000 1180 4 Returns 300 320 5 Purchases and Sales 4500 8300 6 Wages 70 7 Discount 30 8 Salaries 200 9 Canara Bank Shares 3000 10 Insurance 120 11 Building 3000 12 Furniture 700 13 Debtors and Creditors 600 1300 14 Cash in Hand 470 15 Overdraft at bank 900


What is Going Concern, What is Dual Entry , What is Business entity and what are the names of Stock exchanges and currency of some countries, stock market related questions, Exchange rates, Banks and other informations


What do we mean by the term "Securities" when we say that "Govt injecting/sucking liquidity in/out of the system by buying/selling securities?


what is GL Balance


can anyone provide me the Balance Sheet Items & P & L Items with Accounting Heads with Accounting codes?




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What is the quality of the accountant & rights ?


what is meant by qurum


What exactly is derivatives segment. can u explain futures and options with examples...