what is F B T?

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what is F B T?..

Answer / anuj kumar

firstly its full form is frienge benefit tax.\
It is basically introduced due to perqusits which are given
to employer to employee which are not taxed in both the
hands now they are taxable.
for example petrol exp. of four wheeler which can be used
for personal & official both.
There must exist employer & employee relationship.
Tax Rate is 30% + surcharge + education cess 3%

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what is F B T?..

Answer / rajesh

FBT means Fringe Benifit Tax. this tax collection from
Partneship firm and companies. its special tax. this tax
calculate from expenses for the firm. exm. telephone
expenses, staff welfare (outside of factory), conveyance,

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what is F B T?..

Answer / gs

FBT means Fringe Benefit Tax.
It is basically introduced due to perquisites which are given to employer to employee which are not taxed in both the hands now they are taxable. There must exist employer & employee relationship & these one can be calculated as below:-

Tax Rate + surcharge + education cess

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