C Interview Questions
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What is Bitwise Operator and how it works?

1 3246

is assignment operator is arithmatic or not


3 4750

What is the difference between test design and test case design?


void main() { static int i = 5; if(--i) { main(); printf("%d ",i); } } what would be output of the above program and justify your answer? }

C DAC, CDAC, Infosys, Wipro,

5 28107

enum DAY { sunday, monday, tuesday }; enum EDAYS { friday, saturday, sunday }; void main() { int i =0; if( i == sunday) { printf("%d",i); } } what would be the output?


4 6647

int main() { int x = (2,3,4); int y = 9,10,11; printf("%d %d",x,y); } what would be the output?

Parimal, Wipro,

7 10261

WRITE A C PROGRAM FOR PRINT "RHOMBUS" STRUCTURE . Example: Enter the numbers :3 * * * * * * * *

Infosys, TCS,

3 15182

Why can't we initialise member variable of a strucutre

1 2722

what is bit rate & baud rate? plz give wave forms


what are bps & baud rates? differentiate these two?


2 4033

write a program that eliminates the value of mathematical constant e by using the formula e=1+1/1!+1/2!+1/3!+


1 3682

write a c program to calculate the income tax of the employees in an organization where the conditions are given as. (I.T. = 0 if income <100000 I.T = 10% if income _< 200000 it = 20% if income >_ 200000)

Consultancy, DBU, FD, JK Associates, Kobe, Satyam,

7 86182

write a program to create a sparse matrix using dynamic memory allocation.


What are the different types of pointers?


4 6924

in a town the percentage of men is 52 the percentage of total literacy is 48 if total percentage of literate men is 35 of the total population write a program to find the total no of the literate men and women if the population of the town is 80000

3 23932

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Un-Answered Questions { C }

Explain two-dimensional array.


Is file a keyword in c?


Explain about block scope in c?


What are the key features in c programming language?


Why can’t constant values be used to define an array’s initial size?


what does static variable mean?


Which programming language is best for getting job 2020?


What is self-referential structure in c programming?


Is it possible to initialize a variable at the time it was declared?


What is malloc return c?


How does sizeof know array size?


What is a constant?


the factorial of non-negative integer n is written n! and is defined as follows: n!=n*(n-1)*(n-2)........1(for values of n greater than or equal to 1 and n!=1(for n=0) Perform the following 1.write a c program that reads a non-negative integer and computes and prints its factorial. 2. write a C program that estimates the value of the mathematical constant e by using the formula: e=1+1/!+1/2!+1/3!+.... 3. write a c program the computes the value ex by using the formula ex=1+x/1!+xsquare/2!+xcube/3!+....


Explain what is a const pointer?


In C language, the variables NAME, name, and Name are all the same. TRUE or FALSE?