C Interview Questions
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Discuss similarities and differences of Multiprogramming OS and multiprocessing OS?


4 9245

can we declare a function inside the structure? ex: struct book { int pages; float price; int library(int,float); }b; is the above declaration correct? as it has function declaration?

2 5017

inline function is there in c language?

4 6295

what is an inline function?


2 3587

where do we use structure pointer?

1 2822

where do we use volatile keyword?

1 3396

what is constant pointer?

3 4518

what is the use of bitfields & where do we use them?

2 3247

code for bubble sort?

1 2895

code for selection sort?

1 3247

code for quick sort?


code for concatination of 2 strings with out using library functions?

3 4741

how 2 compile & execute c program with out using editor?


2 8798

You have an int array with n elements and a structure with three int members. ie struct No { unsigned int no1; unsigned int no2; unsigned int no3; }; Point1.Lets say 1 byte in the array element is represented like this - 1st 3 bits from LSB is one number, next 2 bits are 2nd no and last 3 bits are 3rd no. Now write a function, struct No* ExtractNos(unsigned int *, int count) which extracts each byte from array and converts LSByte in the order mentioned in point1.and save it the structure no1, no2, no3. in the function struct No* ExtractNos(unsigned int *, int count), first parameter points to the base address of array and second parameter says the no of elements in the array. For example: if your array LSB is Hex F7 then result no1 = 7, no2 = 2, no3 = 7. In the same way convert all the elements from the array and save the result in array of structure.


2 4583

wat s the meaning of (int *)p +4;

2 6160

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Un-Answered Questions { C }

How to create struct variables?


Can we use visual studio for c?


Write a program to print "hello world" without using a semicolon?


Explain how can I right-justify a string?


What is the size of enum in c?


what is stack , heap ,code segment,and data segment


What are control structures? What are the different types?


How can I implement sets or arrays of bits?


Lists the benefits of c programming language?


find the sum of two matrices and WAP for it.


What is c language in simple words?


What is the use of #include in c?


What is an auto keyword in c?


What is 'bus error'?


What is a nested loop?