C Interview Questions
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whether itis a structured language?


1 4500

what do structure language means?


3 4591

how many keywords do C compile?

Microsoft, Practical Viva Questions,

7 10003

how to make program without <> in libray.


how to make program without <> in library.


1 3313

How do we select the big element or any other operation from array which is read dynamically. user need to give the elements only no need to mention the size.


how to find out the biggest element (or any other operation) in an array which is dynamic. User need not to mention the array size while executing.

3 4338

we have to use realloc only after malloc or calloc ? or we can use initially with out depending on whether we are using malloc or calloc in our program ?

2 4557

What is the difference between GETS();AND SCANF();


4 56922

what is the difference between declaration and definition of a variable or function ?

3 5935

i have to apply for rbi before that i need to know the the syllabus for the entrance questions. whethet it may be aps or techinical


i have to apply for the rbi for the post of officers. i need to know abt the entrance questions whether it may be aps or techinical....



without using arithmatic operator convert an intger variable x into x+1

3 4163

without using arithmatic operator solve which number is greater??????????


1 5009

i want the code for printing the output as follows 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4

2 3628

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Un-Answered Questions { C }

What are the different types of C instructions?


What is the best way to comment out a section of code that contains comments?


write a program to convert a expression in polish notation(postfix) to inline(normal) something like make 723+* (2+3) x 7 (not sure) just check out its mainly printing expression in postfix form to infix.


What is the difference between test design and test case design?


What are the types of unary operators?


Tell me when is a void pointer used?


What is main () in c language?


i want to know the procedure of qualcomm for getting a job through offcampus


What do you mean by a local block?


Explain Function Pointer?


Suppose we have a table name EMP as below. We want to perform a operation in which, I want to change name ‘SMITH’ from as ‘SMITH JAIN’. Also I want to change the name of the column from ENAME to E_NAME. EMPNO ENAME JOB MGR HIREDATE SAL 7369 SMITH Coder 7902 17-DEC-80 800 7499 ALLEN SALESMAN 7698 20-FEB-81 1600 7521 WARD SALESMAN 7698 22-FEB-81 1250


write a programe to accept any two number and check the following condition using goto state ment.if a>b,print a & find whether it is even or odd and then print.and a


What is the meaning of ?


Are the expressions * ptr ++ and ++ * ptr same?


Explain what is page thrashing?