main() { printf(5+"good morning"); printf("%c","abcdefgh"[4]); }the o/p is morning and someone explain
1 22242main() { printf("\n %d %d %d",sizeof('3'),sizeof("3"),sizeof(3)); } wat is the o/p and how?
12 30358I have an array of 100 elements, each of which is a random integer. I want to know which of the elements: a) are multiples of 2 b) are multiples of 2 AND 5 c) have a remainder of 3 when divided by 7
1 3027I have an array of 100 elements. Each element contains some text. i want to: append a star character to the end of every fifth element remove every second character from every tenth element, and… add a line feed (ascii 10) after the 30th character of every array element whose length is greater than 30 characters.
1 3307if the address of a[1,1] and a[2,1] are 1000 and 1010 respectively and each occupies 2 bytes then the array has been stored in what order?
4 24784any string of bits of length 'n' represents a unique non- negative integer between.............?
2 6582
In c programming typeing to occupy the variables in memory space. if not useing the variable the memory space is wasted.ok, how to avoid the situation..? (the variable is used & notused)
What are valid signatures for the Main function?
Write a C program to count the number of email on text
Process by which one bit pattern in to another by bit wise operation is?
What are examples of structures?
Explain what is dynamic data structure?
What are the types of i/o functions?
what will be maximum number of comparisons when number of elements are given?
What do header files do?
What is the use of gets and puts?
What are the 5 data types?
What is the maximum length of an identifier?
Write an algorithm for implementing insertion and deletion operations in a singly linked list using arrays ?
What is signed and unsigned?
Explain the priority queues?