C Interview Questions
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who will call your main function in c under linux?

2 5283

Write a Program to print this triangle: * ** * **** * ****** * ******** * ********** use two nested loops.


12 25901

What is the difference between null pointer and void pointer

CTS, Manforce, MAQ Software,

10 44590

why r u join this company? give solid resons.

IBM, Infosys, TCS,

16 24157

Write a C program that computes the value ex by using the formula ex =1+x/1!+x2/2!+x3+3!+………….

1 15171

what is the advantage of using SEMAPHORES to ORDINARY VARIABLES???


2 6354

main() { float a=8.8; double b=8.8; if(a==b) printf("Equal"); else printf("not equal"); getch(); } what is the output? with reason


6 9508

plssssss help !!....using array.. turbo c.. create a program that will accept number of words to be consored. .a word must not exceed 10 characters long .the text to be entered will be no longer than 200 characters .there will be no 10 words example: enter number of words to be censor: 5 enter words to censor: windows office microsoft bill gates enter text to censor: bill gates founded microsoft and makes office and windows sample output: founded and makes and

1 5119

number 2 plssssss help !!....using array.. turbo c.. create a program that will accept a number and determine if it is a happy number or an unhappy number.. example: enter a number : 7 7*7=49 then 4 and 9 4*4 and 9*9== 16 + 18 gives you 97 then 9 and 7 9*9 and 7*7 == 81 + 49 gives you 130 then 1 and 3 1*1 and 3*3 == 1 + 9 gives you 10 1*1 gives you 1 sample output: 7= 49= 16+81= 97= 81+49=130 =1+9=10 =1 "7 is a happy number" . if the last number is 2 then the number being inputed is not a happy number.

3 6097

Convert the following expression to postfix and prefix X $ Y Z - M + N + P / Q / (R + S)

2 11491

Convert the following expression to postfix and prefix (A+B) * (D-C)


3 7146

plz answer..... a program that reads non-negative integer and computes and prints its factorial

2 4633

plz answer.. a program that takes a string e.g. "345" and returns integer 345

4 5393

plz answer....A program that takes 3 variables e.g a,b,c in as seperate parameters and rotates the values stored so that value goes a to b, b to c and c to a .

3 6772

plz answer.... write a program that reads line (using getline) e.g."345", converts each line to an integer using "atoi" and computes the average of all the numbers read. also compute the standard deviation.

1 3025

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Un-Answered Questions { C }

What are structural members?


Tell us two differences between new () and malloc ()?


What is fflush() function?


What are comments and how do you insert it in a C program?


What's the difference between constant char *p and char * constant p?


What are preprocessor directives in c?


using only #include and #include Write a program in C that will read an input from the user and print it back to the user if it is a palindrome. The string ends when it encounters a whitespace. The input string is at most 30 characters. Assume the string has no spaces and distinguish between and lowercase. So madam is a palindrome, but MadAm is not a palindrome. Use scanf and %s to read the string. Sample Test: Enter a string: madam madam is a palindrome. Enter a string: 09023 09023 is not a palindrome.


What is c token?


What is calloc() function?


Explain what are header files and explain what are its uses in c programming?


Explain the use of fflush() function?


What is %g in c?


What is the difference between the expression “++a” and “a++”?


What is the use of a ‘’ character?


Which is an example of a structural homology?