i am B.Pharm Graduate preparing for Drug Inspector exam 2009.i would like to get some model question papers,no problem if it going to be from other state also.plz send to my email id krispeele@yahoo.co.in thanks, priya
11 18459For Recent draft guidelines for Dissolution test apparatus calibration, why removing the salicylate tables?
3 9538what is the difference between hot air oven and vacuum oven? why you are using vacuum for some products
6 34093Post New Alkem Labs Interview Questions
what are different record spacing keywords in rlu ?
How to de fragment your hard drive in windows xp?
What do you mean by separate chaining?
How to get current controller id in yii ?
How many primary keys can a table have?
Explain the step property of the numericupdownextender control? : asp.net ajax
What does runtimebroker exe mean?
Define anonymous classes in php7?
Can we Use AC Servo Motor with Variable Frequency drive instead of Servo Drive? OR with VFD, only simple induction motor can be connected? VFD (Variable Frequency Drive)is having facility of Encoder Feedback.
Explain PDL with an example?
For ex: i scheduled one ABAP program as a background job but it was running 10 days, how to analyze the problem?
What's the best rss reader?
What is down-sizing?
Classes and structs can be declared as static, is this statement true or false?
List three things you can do with the files you create by recording your voice on your computer