On what basis Friability limit NMT 1.0%w/w is recommended. what is impact on formulation if this limit exceeds.
1592Post New Alkem Labs General Science Interview Questions
What is Goods Lost by Fire/Accident/Theft ?
Can we extract main method from another class?
Explain the entire process of invoice verification from gr to invoice verification in sap with accounting entries?
What is jsp and servlets?
What is listbox and combobox?
Where is the line tool in word?
What is the definition of logical functions?
How will you sort the elements of array in descending order?
Explain how the slides and specimens used as instructional resources?
what is a rule for issue form 38 and tham form c any purchaser can issue form 38 or there is certain rule and regulation.
What can you do to structure your application code better?
Bearer Capabilities - What are they?
Why is extern used in c?
Are all javascript variables global?
How would you check the distribution of a categorical variable in r?