Write a program to increment IP address to +10 and verify it is correct ip or not ?? example my ip is increment this ip to +10 and verify it is valid ip or not
1 1652Post New Alcatel Tcl Interview Questions
What is worker node in Apache Spark cluster?
You are given two tables- friend_request and request_accepted. Friend_request contains requester_id, time and sent_to_id and request_accepted table contains time, acceptor_id and requestor_id. How will you determine the overall acceptance rate of requests?
Where is pip installing packages?
What are the down sides of Genetic Engineering?
What’s new HTML 5 DocType and Charset?
Can we integrate jsf with other popular frameworks such as spring, hibernate etc?
What are the common ajax frameworks?
Did you use scss?
can you mail me detailed procedure,entire syllabus and practice papers of mpsc civil engineering branch.I am in third year now
What is lazy loading / lazy initialization in hibernate?
write a program that prints prime numbers from 1-20 in digonal form
How do you ensure the quality and safety of hematology care provided to patients, especially when administering blood products or anticoagulant therapies?
Do you know what is iso?
what are the status have in QC(Test Management Tool). and how you report?
What is composer in laravel php?