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Capital IQ Accounting AllOther Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

what about the company background?

5 6754

what is debenture ?

2 4303

what are fictious assets? give some examples?

39 303596

What are the accounting principles or concepts.Expalin briefly.

6 13428

13. The firm has 20,000 common shares authorized, 15,000 shares outstanding, and 3,000 shares of treasury stock. How much common equity shares are issued. a) 2,000 b) 5,000 c) 17,000 d) 18,000

8 16698

15. Which statement about ADRs is true? a) An ADR is the receipt for the shares of a foreign based corporation held in U.S bank b) ADRs do not trade on U.S exchange c) ADRs give non U.S investors a way to buy non US company shares in the US market. d) The holder of an ADR is entitled to only the dividends for the security

4 12219

16. Eurodollars are best described as =============== a) The new currency of the European Union b) A U.S dollar denominated deposit ….generally in a bank located outside the United States …that is not subject to US banking regulation. c) A currency deposited outside its country of origin d) A foreign..denominated deposit subject to US banking regulations

5 16405

18. If the real gross domestic product of US has increased, but the production of goods remained the same, then the production of services has; a) Increases b) Decreases c) Remained same d) Would vary

5 13741

what is the difference between charge & appropriation

3 22109

what is treasury stock

3 4893

what is Contra Entry?

9 13675

what perposs calculate the fixed assets

5 9737

What is deference between Revenue and Income

10 14164

what is the formula for profit margin?

7 10503

what is the difference between take over and aquisation?

5 10551

Post New Capital IQ Accounting AllOther Interview Questions

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