Q) Create Preffered customer: As a customer when i purchase more than $5000 in goods since my first purchase, I become a preffered customer so that i can receive the benefits associated with that status.
2013Q) A hotel telephone sys can perform 3 functions . Call another hotel room by entering a room number(201 to 500) . Call an external line by entering a 9, followed by the number. . call various hotel services 0=operator, 7=room service 8=reception. Write sets of test cases to adequately test this telephone system
2 9851Q) If pseudo code below a programming language. what test case s are required to achieve 100% statements coverage If x=3 then display_message x; If y=2 then display_message y; else display_message z; else display_message z;
1 11746Q) Create Preffered customer: As a customer when i purchase more than $5000 in goods since my first purchase, I become a preffered customer so that i can receive the benefits associated with that status.
2083Post New Capital IQ Manual Testing Interview Questions
List the various storages that are provided by android.
What is dependency injection laravel?
What is indirection in c?
How long would you stay with Barnardos?
Exp wcf peer network binding type?
What is css and what is it used for?
What does ls mean in linux?
What is scala spark?
What is selenium? What are the different selenium components?
Explain cascading triggers.
What is meant by inheritance? what are the advantages of inheritance?
Explain about vander val interactions in antigen-antibody interaction?
What is transaction in hibernate?
What are some of the common lists that can be used when designing a page?
please explain.. DB architecture ...