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Adani Electrical Engineering Interview Questions
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why we step down voltage level from 33kv to 11kv and 11kv to 415v.Instead we can step down voltage from 33kv to 415v directly using single transformer.

12 70789

What is the maximum size(MVA)of power transformer available in the India/world?

13 25861

how is classified voltage level in generation,transmission & distribution system?,

7 10367

what you mean by current? what you mean by voltage? what is difference between star and delta connection in motor side?

2 5011

what is spill current?

4 39598

how to find ratio of CT & PT in 66/11kv 12 mva supply system ? explain with calculation.


Why 3 over-current and 1 earth fault relay is used on primary side of transformer? Why 2 over-current and 1 earth fault relay in used on secondary side of transformer?

1 7784

Can u start a tube light without a starter?

8 32210

what is power factor?

8 10380

What are the protection used for alternator,transformers.

2 6079

what are the standard transmision voltages in india?

9 10518

working principle of generators?

4 8717

difference between isolater and circuit breaker?

7 11990

fundamentals of transformers.

5 6622

In brushless excitation system how generator field current is measure even if the slip rings are absent?

3 8059

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What is difference between hibernate and jpa?


Which is the star nearest to earth?


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Mention about the flow types ?


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What is the difference between jquery's ready and holdready?


what is indian economics?


Where did you learn winrunner and testdirector?


What is composite cost of capital? Explain the process to compute it?


How do you answer polymorphism?


Explain the importance of buffer in amazon web services?