what is power factor? is it good or bad for a system? what will happen if power factor increase or decrease?
4 111947. Why AC motors, AC bulbs etc... are donot operated by DC signals? and Why DC motors, DC bulbs etc... are donot operated by AC signals?
2 49051. What is the exact formula for one weber? for example,(one ampere = one coulomb electron of electrons crossing a point of conductor at one second. i.e, 1A=1Q/1sec)
1538Post New Bhel Electrical Engineering Interview Questions
How to configure hibernate second level cache using ehcache?
What is tally and its features?
To use Spark on an existing Hadoop Cluster, do we need to install Spark on all nodes of Hadoop?
What is the framework?
What is the reshaping of data in R?
Explain about Serialize and MarshalByRef?
Can you please explain the way messaging works in objective-c?
why ups rating in kva? and why ups are in parellel?.why isolation transformer is used in ups?
How OS come to know whether to load the .net framework when we run an .exe created using .Net framework?
How many File System Controls are there ? Explain.
What is sharding?
What is the benefit of having jdbcrowset implementation? Why do we need a jdbcrowset like wrapper around resultset?
What is db2 purescale?
What are the advantages of using kotlin?
Explain what is the transparent?