I have passed in repco bank jr assistant exam .what type of interview question they may ask? pls send ur ideas to my email id slucky87@gmail.com
1 6101Post New Banking MAT Interview Questions
How do I manually clean windows update files?
Interactive Report that list purchase order details of a vendor. When the user double clicks on material number it shows detail list with fields matkl, meins, brgew, ntgew, gewei.The selection screen consist of sales organisation, distribution channel and material number. plz mention the detail coding Tahnks, Rahul
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Explain parallel processing in java8?
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Specify the port number for https?
how do the in= variables improve the capability of a merge? : Sas programming
What is the difference between bdc and bcs?
Is p an empty tag?
Is android unix based?
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In a flange coupling, the flange bolts are designed for
Explain the difference between psb and psd?
What is activex technology?