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AZTEC Manual Testing Interview Questions
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What are all the documents you are going to submit at the time of release as a testlead?

4 7657

First window is registertion window where u will be having the fields to entering the name,password and confirm password and Ok button.After hitting the OK button it will take u to 2nd window, wel come window for the user with the msg welcome user. 3rd window will be login screen where u will be entring the user name and password with out any mistake in case and spell (i.e u entered correctly)and 4th window it shows that user does not exits .What will be reasons? Other then data base not connected.

10 11030

What Is System Testing

9 10877

What would u do if u come across a it.....but the programmer is in a diff location ( say u in India n he is USA)..and he keeps accepting its a bug?

3 6543

suppose u have raised one bug.u have posted to that concerned developer..he can't accept that is a bug.what will u do in the next stage?

10 11133

what is Middleware? can anybody explain me?

2 11628

what is the Bugzilla Latest version?

5 10748

wat is the differece between three tier and two tier application

5 9473

What do u do if the bug that u found is not accepted by the developer and hez saying its not reproducable.Note:The developer is in the onsite location

6 10658

What do u mean by Positive and Negative testing & whatz r the diff's between them .Can anyone explain with an example .

4 9194

types of reviews

9 14561

What are cookies? tell me the advantage and disadvantage of cookies?

5 31386

what is the difference between reference key and foreign key

2 6287

What is HTTP and TCP/IP

3 6925

What is application server and what is web server?

1 6150

Post New AZTEC Manual Testing Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

What is an alt tag for an image?


Show the declaration for a static function pointer.


How do I change the direction of letters in word?


What is idref in spring?


What is jms jndi?


What is main tag in html?


What is self-join and what is the requirement of self-join?


ROC converges if pole and zero lies inside a) origin b) z=1 c) pole d) zero ? Explanation please? if ROC does not converges then?


how to calculate the earth fault current


Who are the escrow agencies?


What files does sfc check?


What is difference between Recording time object identification and Run time (Execution) time.


What is encapsulation in simple terms?


What is the use of ienumerable?


What is tcode se16? For what is it used.