2 Diesel Generators 900KVA connected to the bus bar for essential load as an alternative for power taken from 11/440V 3KVA Transformer supplying this bus bar. my question here is in the event of power failure on 11KV side can I feed the power to 11 KV bus by using the same transformer as reverse feed, what will be the inrush current???
3 123421.how to Ask the result After the interview gone? 2.please send me the interview questions of unigraphics,IDEAS,solidworks,autocadd,and mechanical design. to my mail id austinsobanam@gmail.com
11781Suppose water is there in a pot. It is being heated continuously untill formation of superheated steam. What is the temperature profile of water?. What is the temperature profile of the pot?.Imagine pot is heated from bottom.
1 2621Post New Ashok Leyland Interview Questions
What is the use of string functiong sub(regex,replacement)?
What is socket in node.js?
What is numbered list?
What is the default workspace?
give 3 reasons why capital is referred to as a special liability
What is icmp flood?
what are archived logs?
Is reduce-only job possible in Hadoop MapReduce?
I want to capture data(using keyword) from msdos application using QTP?... Below is little work i could do on it... /* Set app=CreateObject("Wscript.shell") SystemUtil.run ("C:\Users\Agent\Desktop\pumpsim\PUMPSIM.EXE") Window(“PUMPSIM.EXE”).Activate wait(3) app.sendkeys "N" */ Thanks in advance...!!!
What is the branch of zoology dealing with whales called?
Explain what is redshift?
How will you capitalize the first letter of a string?
what are the chemicals used in PFR and MFR to Process?
Explain about static, dynamic and direct binding?
Differentiate between the various types of primary keys in cassandra.