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Ashok Leyland Interview Questions
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what do you know about our company?

1 4784

Who is responsible to collect the service tax?

12 28176

2 Diesel Generators 900KVA connected to the bus bar for essential load as an alternative for power taken from 11/440V 3KVA Transformer supplying this bus bar. my question here is in the event of power failure on 11KV side can I feed the power to 11 KV bus by using the same transformer as reverse feed, what will be the inrush current???

3 12342

tell me something about yourself?

42 145864

what is cogging and crawling

20 81146

How many accounting standards in india

90 195382

basic mechanical oriented questions

10 54622

types of pipes

13 44335

How u validate date in DD/MM/YY format. and how u validate money in ur jsp

3 7760

What will happen if 230V DC motor connected to 230V AC Supply?

15 59407

how to calculate bearing pre-load?


what is the difference between megger and earth tester?

28 99849 to Ask the result After the interview gone? 2.please send me the interview questions of unigraphics,IDEAS,solidworks,autocadd,and mechanical design. to my mail id


placement recrutement process for renault nissan and want model aptitude paper

2 27093

Suppose water is there in a pot. It is being heated continuously untill formation of superheated steam. What is the temperature profile of water?. What is the temperature profile of the pot?.Imagine pot is heated from bottom.

1 2621

Post New Ashok Leyland Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

What is the use of string functiong sub(regex,replacement)?


What is socket in node.js?


What is numbered list?


What is the default workspace?


give 3 reasons why capital is referred to as a special liability


What is icmp flood?


what are archived logs?


Is reduce-only job possible in Hadoop MapReduce?


I want to capture data(using keyword) from msdos application using QTP?... Below is little work i could do on it... /* Set app=CreateObject("") ("C:\Users\Agent\Desktop\pumpsim\PUMPSIM.EXE") Window(“PUMPSIM.EXE”).Activate wait(3) app.sendkeys "N" */ Thanks in advance...!!!


What is the branch of zoology dealing with whales called?


Explain what is redshift?


How will you capitalize the first letter of a string?


what are the chemicals used in PFR and MFR to Process?


Explain about static, dynamic and direct binding?


Differentiate between the various types of primary keys in cassandra.