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APPSC General Knowledge_Current Affairs Interview Questions
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Which of the following hills is the southern most hill range in India? 1 The Nilgiri Hills 2 The Annamalai Hills 3 The Nallamalai Hills 4 The Cardamom Hills

13 47667

Washing soda in water behaves 1 Alkaline 2 Acidic 3 Neutral 4 Basic

1 12186

India has been divided into how many PIN code Zones? 1 6 2 7 3 8 4 9

5 14516

Which of the following awards is given for Agricultural Research? 1 Dr.Homi Bhabha Award 2 Ramon Magsaysay Award 3 Borlaug Award 4 Shanti Swrup Bhatnagar Award

12 23158

The supersonic jets tend to cause (a) Destruction of ozone layer (b) Sound pollution (c) Nervous system breakdown (d) All of the above

3 11809

. The founder of Boy Scouts and Civil Guides movement in India was (a) Charles Andrews (b) Robert Montgomery (c) Richard Temple (d) Baden Poweli

17 23724

. The Anti-Defection Law was enacted as early as 1979 in (a) Kerala (b) Jammu and Kashmir (c) West Bengal (d) Tamil Nadu

7 24068

The element present in the largest amount in rocks and minerals is 1 Carbon 2 Silicon 3 Hydrogen 4 Aluminum

4 15231

home rule momment


Hi, I want to prepare for Group-2 exams. So, can anybody help me by sending the current affairs useful for this.

1 2891

Shall I get previous question papers of Junior lecturers posts with hindi subject

7 13057

who is india preministar

6 9299

How many times can the President of India return a money Bill, passed by Parliament?

4 11115

Post New APPSC General Knowledge_Current Affairs Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

Explain bank statement in cash management? : fi- general ledger


Explain skinny table. What are the considerations for skinny table?


What is re-factoring in software?


how electrical earthing maintenance done in industry?


Is it possible to have a constructor inside the servlet?


Explain Planning file entry.


Give truth table for a half adder, give a gate level implementation of the same?


What is the difference between angular and react?


Is linux the future of gaming?


Define one basic requirement for establishing vlans?


Explain how are file systems checked in hdfs?


Sell me your used envelope?


how you will the direct the data to spool using sysout option?


Hi frnd can i any one kindly can post for me portlet,hibernate and spring example application and with flow explantion configuration using Jdeveloper.and related links ar tutorials kindly please send me .its urgent for me .thanks in advance...........else can any one send to


What are the Types of state management techniques