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APPSC Group II Political Science Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

Who said, The Jew has stolen woman from us through the form of sex democracy

1 3686

The concept of ?Isomorphism? is related to which theory

2 4617

Which type of political system is running in England

3 5239

Which country is known as ?Party State?

3 5416

Through amendment the Anti-Defection Act was enacted

4 6832

On which Right does the ?contempt of Court? places restrictions

1 5790

In which Article the definition of ?State? was given in our constitution

1 5893

Which was termed as the ?Magna Carta of India?

15 54045

Which state does not have its Scheduled Tribe contribution in Lok Sabha

2 4616

On which date the constitution of Jammu & Kasmir was came into force

2 4396

Who said ? Nationalism is a religion that comes from God?

1 9619

What is maximum strength of the Lok Sabha as envisaged by the Constitution

2 7751

Who are the authors of the Indian Constitution as per its Preamble

7 16693

Who described Cripps proposals as a ?post dated cheque?

5 8364

Politics without religion is like a dead body, who said it

3 6508

Post New APPSC Group II Political Science Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

Name the examples of some companies that are using hadoop structure?


What do you mean by threads in Operating System?


How many types of views are there? : abap data dictionary


How to pass the variables to forms ?


Is sybase open source?


When executing Hive queries in different directories, why is metastore_db created in all places from where Hive is launched?


What is break and continue statements?


What is form in visual basic?


How can you add an item to the beginning of the list?


How can I create a report based on a query? : sql server management studio


What is accounting for transfers and terminations?


What is mid excel?


what is reverse repo rate,what is casual labour


What is the process of changing the split size if there is limited storage space on Commodity Hardware?


How Session outproc in Sqlserver stored?