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APPSC Engineering AllOther Interview Questions
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How does Elastic Beanstalk apply updates?


when an apllication is invoked via the exec cics start command with the from option, how does the application gain access to the common area?


I have applied for the post of Assistant Instrumentation Engneer in IOCL and need urgently IOCL sample paper please help me.


1) SORT FIELDS=(20,4,CH,D,10,3,CH,D) OUTREC FIELDS=(7:20,4,C' FUTURE ',20,2,10,3,1Z,1,9,13,7, 24,57,TRAN=LTOU,6X'FF') This example illustrates how a fixed-length input data set can be sorted and reformatted for output. The SORTIN LRECL is 80 bytes. The reformatted output records are fixed length with a record size of 103 bytes. SOLRF (the IBM-supplied default) is in effect, so unless the SORTOUT LRECL is specified or available, it will automatically be set to the reformatted record length of 103. in the above example i have some doubts that a) sort fields=(20,4,CH,D,10,3,CH,D) -what exactly it does and this fields related to output record fields or input record fields b)outrec used to refprmat the records after sorting that means could please reply me as soon as possible Thanks. Venkat


1) can any one tell how dozer transmission system power terrain --track


What are the sap xi features?


I am working in footwear company at Himachal Pradesh. we want to send raw material - (leather) for Job work our other branch. now my question is that will have we any permission taken from excise & sale tax deppt.


what is the use of journal based backups?


How to provision a virtual machine in specific availability zone and compute host?


i have a job with 3 possibiliies finish with ststus ok abbort warning how do you handle these 3 in job sequence? explain the situation where you have appiled scd in your project? chandu


tell me something about yourself and your family background.


What is a modal plugin in bootstrap?


Dear All, Can anyone tell me that from where i can get Power Center 8.5 S/W for Linux and how can i install Power Center 8.5 or any 7.x series on Linux Platform. Thanks in advance


What type of projects can include in Logistics Domain? and what is the type of domain for project which include Driving license renewal, Different type of title registration etc...


How can we subscribed to an event in lightning component? : salesforce lightning component