500 men are arranged in an array of 10 rows and 50 columns according to their heights. Tallest among each row of all are asked to come out. And the shortest among them is A. Similarly after resuming them to their original positions, the shortest among each column are asked to come out. And the tallest among them is B. Now who is taller A or B ?
14 44087What is the job of a HR and since you are a commerce graduate why did you choose HR as your profession
4 9271What is a good test? Wy do we need testing write test steps for triangle write test steps for ATM How a tester should approach a devloper about non accepted defect? What is test coverage assurance and give an example Draw and expain V model and how it is helpfull in software development
1746U have 8 balls, all have the same in size, 7 have same weight & 8th have weight slightly more.How can u find the ball which have slightly more weight by using a balance & only 2 weightings ?
1 16533It is a 30 days project & the client is in Singapur and we have to submit daily report regarding 1) What are the completed works, 2) What are the Pending Works ,3) Work planed for next day. You are free to assume regarding the project. can anybody help me to write an email to the client or Senior person who is staying in abroad
1854Post New ANZ Interview Questions
What is the difference between EPC,DBOOT and BOOT.
What is immutable state?
Explain the concept of "signal to noise," and give a mathematical definition.
What are the differences between r3trans and tp in sap-dba.
Explain automatic payment program configuration? : fi- accounts payable
Explain cloud computing?
How will you transport release strategy from quality server to production server? Will you transport it from one server to another?
Why does my windows application pop up a console window every time I run it?
What is a parent directory in unix?
what books to prepare for atc please
How to theme the webform template file?
Are pointers really faster than arrays?
What is navbar in bootstrap?
What will your outlook towards maintenance of liquid assets to ensure that the firm has adequate cash in hand to meet its obligations at all times?