Is Java is 100% pure OOPS? Explain?

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Is Java is 100% pure OOPS? Explain?..

Answer / anand

No java isnt 100% pure OOPS coz if it were then everything
should be classes and objects, whereas java still has
primitive data type which violates the above said
statement...SmallTalk is the only 100% pure OOPS language

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Is Java is 100% pure OOPS? Explain?..

Answer / guest


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Is Java is 100% pure OOPS? Explain?..

Answer / prashant khot

No. Java is not 100 % Pune OOP because of following three
1) It doesnot support Multiple inheritance.
2) It allows use of primitive data types which are not an
3) It allows static methods to call without creating the
instance. This disobeys OOPs concepts.

Is This Answer Correct ?    48 Yes 7 No

Is Java is 100% pure OOPS? Explain?..

Answer / priyanjan

Java is not 100% pure OOP,but 99.34%,because primitive data
types are not treated as object

Is This Answer Correct ?    27 Yes 10 No

Is Java is 100% pure OOPS? Explain?..

Answer / kruthi

Java is not pure OOPs because of Primitive data type and of
static keyword.

Is This Answer Correct ?    22 Yes 5 No

Is Java is 100% pure OOPS? Explain?..

Answer / muthusenthil

java is not 100% oops because of only reason it has static
keyword, according to oops and in real world we need an
object to perform a function but in java using class name
without an object we can perform function or call a method
this violates oops and real world reflection..

Is This Answer Correct ?    24 Yes 9 No

Is Java is 100% pure OOPS? Explain?..

Answer / vikas dwivedi

Yes, Java Is not pure object Oriented Lang.....Bcse of
primtive data is 99.7% pure.

for details

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Is Java is 100% pure OOPS? Explain?..

Answer / uttam lonkar

Java is not pure OOPs because of Primitive data type and of
static keyword.

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Is Java is 100% pure OOPS? Explain?..

Answer / ajay

Java is not 100% pure OOP language because of:

1: Java doesn't support Multiple Inheritence directly.
2: We can call static methods and variables without
creating Object of class which is not supported by OOP.
3: Primitive data type which are not Object.

Those are the reasons why Java is not 100% pure language.

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Is Java is 100% pure OOPS? Explain?..

Answer / sreevani

No, Java is not 100% pure OOPS. As it does not support the E-
Com server.

Is This Answer Correct ?    16 Yes 14 No

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