500 men are arranged in an array of 10 rows and 50 columns according to their heights. Tallest among each row of all are asked to come out. And the shortest among them is A. Similarly after resuming them to their original positions, the shortest among each column are asked to come out. And the tallest among them is B. Now who is taller A or B ?
14 44378Post New ANZ Interview Questions
Explain file manager?
What is the difference between a variable and a literal?
What does advanced excel contain?
What is a structure and why it is used?
In Synchronous communication, what are common errors that can occur in this communication scenario?
What is the use of su56?
What are blocks and how are they used?
What are the various controls in the application designer tool?
define the strength
Your colleague installed microstrategy on solaris or unix without root access. Will he be able to start/ restart this server?
Name the Different classes of plants in the plant kingdom?
Which is faster call by value or call by reference?
Purchase group is assigned at to which organization element? Plant or purchase org or company.
What is the use of "$?" Sign in shell script?
What is break and continue statements?