U have 8 balls, all have the same in size, 7 have same weight & 8th have weight slightly more.How can u find the ball which have slightly more weight by using a balance & only 2 weightings ?
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what are date and time data types? : Sql dba
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What is static volatile in c?
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Does go (golang) support method overloading?
Hi all, Do anyone have the experience in PDF Document Automation using OLE objects and methods? If so suggest the best websites for source. Thanks :-)
Suppose you find a bug in production, how would you make sure that the same bug is not introduced again?
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Which is better mysql or microsoft sql?
What is probabilistic encryption?
What is a service? How will you create a custom service?
Declare a new variable in php equal to the number 3;
How do I use outlook mail?