Post New Ambuja Architecture Design AllOther Interview Questions
What is the difference between file, class, and activity in android?
How do I create a watermark in word 2016?
why may types of accounts
explain bapi
What is the difference between com architecture and .net architecture?
Highlight all the advantages that are attached to a package.
An object is non standard object, i mapped it to standard object, eventhogh on mapping to standard object i cannot use the methods available on the standard object with the mapped object. How i can use those standard object methods with these mapped object. (((Note : dont tell that we can use virtual object as virtual object is to map nonstandard obj to standard obj)))
What is the time-dependent data in an asset master? : fi- asset accounting
What are instead of triggers?
What is meant by trc?
How to compare two strings in perl?
Explain textFile Vs wholeTextFile in Spark?
What is a host and context in tomcat?
What is azure spark?
Define and distinguish between flexible and floating exchange rate system. What kind of exchange rate system does china have?