You are the project manager for a cable service provider. Your project team is researching a new service offering. They have been working together for quite some time and are in the performing stage of Team Development. This stage of Team Development is similar to which of the following?
A. Smoothing
B. Achievement theory
C. Hygiene theory
D. Self-actualization

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More Project Management Interview Questions

You work for a large manufacturing plant. You're in the Initiation process of a new project for an overseas product release. This is the company's first experience in the overseas market, and they hope to make a big splash with the introduction of this product. The project entails producing your product in a concentrated formula and packaging it in smaller containers than the U.S. product uses. A new machine is needed in order to mix the first set of ingredients in the concentrated formula. Which of the following actions should the project manager take? A. The project manager should document the project's goals and known deliverables in a high-level overview document and recommend the project proceed. B. The project manager should document the project's goals and known deliverables in a high-level overview document and assume the project is a go. C. The project manager should document the project's goals and known deliverables in a high-level overview document and recommend a feasibility study be performed. D. The project manager should document the project's goals and known deliverables in a high-level overview document and deliver it to the stakeholders.

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Which logical relationship does the PDM use most often? A. Start to finish B. Start to start C. Finish to finish D. Finish to start

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You are the project manager for a web development project. You hold regular project status meetings and publish status reports on a timely basis. You know that communication is one of your most important functions. As such, all of the following are true except: A. Senders are responsible for sending clear, concise, complete messages. B. Receivers are responsible for understanding the message. C. Communication can be vertical or horizontal or both. D. Effective communication techniques include making eye contact, nodding, and asking clarifying questions.

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As a PMP, you will be required to comply with the Project Management Professional Code of Professional Conduct. This code refers to all of the following except: A. Reporting conflicts of interest B. Reporting experience and PMP status truthfully C. Complying with stakeholder requirements D. Complying with rules and policies of foreign countries

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You are a project manager for Pizza Direct, which is a retail pizza delivery store. Your company is competing with another retail score for the option of opening two new stores in a foreign country. You know, but have not yet informed your company, that you are going to go to work for the competitor, which happens to be bidding for this same opportunity. What is the most appropriate response? A. You decline to participate in the initial meetings with the foreign business partners due to conflict of interest. B. You've not yet received an official offer from the competing company for your new job opportunity, so you choose to participate in the initial meetings with the foreign business partners. C. You decide to participate in the initial meetings with the foreign business partners because any information you gain now will help you when you make the move to the new company. D. You inform the foreign business partners that you're going to be working with a new company and that you know the deal they'll receive from the competing company is better than the one this company is proposing.

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What are the different software reengineering activities?

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Your project was just completed, accepted, and closed. As is customary for your organization, you conduct a post-implementation audit. The purpose of this audit includes all of the following except: A. Evaluating project goals and comparing them to project product B. Reviewing successes and failures C. Documenting the acceptance of the work results D. Documenting possible improvements for future projects

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You are a project manager for a network cabling project for your organization. Your project team is made up of six full-time employees and three contractors. This is the first time they have all worked together. This project requires accurate information exchange at all times during the life of the project. How many lines of communication exist among the project team members? A.36 B.41 C.18 D.34

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You are a project manager for Uncle Sam's Flag Company. Your company has designed a new line of products featuring the American flag. Due to some unique circumstances, the products are in hot demand and the project sponsor has asked you to do whatever it takes to get this project completed early and make the products available. You regularly check the progress of the project with your team members using which of the following techniques? A. E-mail communication B. Status review meetings C. Project management information systems D. Receiver communication model

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Comparative methods, scoring methods, and economic and cash flow analysis are all part of which of the following? A. Benefit measurement methods, which are a tool and technique in Initiation B. Constrained optimization methods, which are a tool and technique C. Benefit measurement methods, which are an input to Initiation D. Decision models, which are an output of Initiation

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Which performance measurement is the cost of work budgeted for an activity within a certain time frame? A. AV B. PV C. EV D. EAC

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What is your management Style

8 Answers   ABC, Hospitality, Thomson,
