How many parallelisms are in Abinitio?

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How many parallelisms are in Abinitio?..

Answer / pradeep

pipeline parallelism,data parallelism,component parallelism

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How many parallelisms are in Abinitio?..

Answer / guest

3 data,component and pipeline

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How many parallelisms are in Abinitio?..

Answer / sohanvarma

Component parallelism:- A graph with multiple processes
running simultaneously on separate data uses component
Data parallelism :- A graph that deals with data divided
into segments and operates on each segment simultaneously
uses data parallelism. Nearly all commercial data
processing tasks can use data parallelism. To support this
form of parallelism, Ab Initio provides Partition
components to segment data, and Departition components to
merge segmented data back together .
Pipeline parallelism :- A graph with multiple components
running simultaneously on the same data uses pipeline
parallelism. Each component in the pipeline continuously
reads from upstream components, processes data, and writes
to downstream components. Since a downstream component can
process records previously written by an upstream
component, both components can operate in parallel. NOTE:
To limit the number of components running simultaneously,
set phases in the graph.

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