Civil Engineering Interview Questions
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What is the formula to calculate the volume of mortar required for a wall with 1245 blocks with a stndard size of 440x215x100?

2 4442

The designs required to construct a building are ––

1 3493

Rectangular room is more effective than a square room because ––

1 5259

Rust in Rod is harmful in structure because -––

1 4024

A person feels comfort when downs a stair because of ––

3 4803

A person becomes tired when ups a stairs because of––

1 4125

It needs contour survey before plastering a wall / column & floor tiles setting to get––

1 3452

Machine mix is better than hand mixing to get––

3 4476

Brick is fire resistant than stone because––

1 4158

Before casting a basement roof slab which is connected with retaining wall surcharge load (i.e. sand or earth filling) outside the retaining wall is prohibited because of––


how many bags of cement,sand and Aggregate to p.c.c. of 1:2:4 ratio.

Isaac Designs,

4 7205

how many rod are needed in 99sqft room .

Associated Construction Company,

5 7066

how many 10mm steel are needed in 99sqft room

2 5673

Characteristics of a model project are ––

1 3137

Construction joint of beam & slab is provided at––


1 5464

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what is meant by csr in foundation? what is sbc?what is meant by contour line?


In Rcc ratio calculation I wanted to know quantity of Steel also.


what is difference between GTS bench mark and temporary bench mark


What is the difference between undo & redo?


will fix foundation bolts at site with out template is there any procedure?


What is the biggest dam in america?


what else we can add rather than admixture in concrete to reduce the cement quantity?


How much cements bag (or in KG) required for 1 Sq. M concrete, for M-30 grad concrete as per CPWD and where is thr proof on site


How you can use different dimension tools in cad? What are the different dimensions available?


What is binding spacing of the rebars at lapping zones.


Explain what is 1/8 on the architect ruler denotes?


How does siphoning work?


How to calculate(Thumb rule) the consumption of steel per cubic meter for different concrete members. 


What is the difference between built area and super built up area?


how much repeitation for conventional and maivan formwork?