Genetics Interview Questions
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What is Heterozygote detection?


A base deletion occurs in the regulator gene of the LAC operon. Describe how the operation of the LAC operon might be affected?


A single base exchange mutation occurs in the promoter of the TRP operon. How the operation of the HIS operon might be affected in two ways?


How the positive and negative DNA markers are used in genetic engineering?


Differentiate between biotechnology and bioengineering?


What are the 8 steps that are involved in genetic engineering?


You want to select a bacterium that has obtained a genetic marker conferring resistance to tetracycline. How would you accomplish this?

1 2271

How restriction enzymes,DNA probes are used in genetic engineering?

1 2774

What is the difference betwee bacteriostatic and bacteriocidal?

2 3930

How many chromosomes would normally be found in a human stomach cell?

5 24714

what is the pairing rule for deoxyribonucleic acid?

2 3032

If a fly has a diploid number of 12, how many chromosomes would there be in each cell at the end of telophase of mitosis?

3 8334

How can all organisms share the same 4 bases DNA and still be so diverse?


what is the connection between a chromatid and a replicated DNA molecule?


Flower position, stem length, and seed shape were three traits that were studied by Mendel. Each is controlled by an independently assorting gene. If a plant that is heterozygous for all three traits was allowed to self- fertilize, what proportion of the offspring would be expected to show all three dominant phenotypes?


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Un-Answered Questions { Genetics }

7) Diabetes is recessive. A) If woman has diabetes and marries a man that doesn’t have it, is it possible for their offspring to acquire this disease? A A Aa Aa Aa Aa a a genotypes Phenotype 100% Aa, Heterozygous 100% No diabetes B) If none of the father’s ancestors had ever had diabetes, would their children have a chage of getting the disease? Explain


our hair comes from our mother's father.Is it true or not?


What is the importance of genetics?


Are there additional resources / individuals that you can recommend for my paper?


Why would farmers, doctors, and manufacturers be interested in Genetic Engineering?


what is DIY Gene testing ?


How to construct Genetic Code?


Why do we age?


Is Genetic Engineering worth the cost and effort?


What is Heterozygote detection?


What ethical dilemmas should be considered when genetic engineering is put into practice?


How will you differentiate alleles of a gene in the double strand of DNA?


In sesame, the one-pod condition (P) is dominant to the three-pod condition (p), and normal leaf (L) is dominant over wrinkled leaf (l). The two characters are inherited independently. Determine the genotypes and phenotypes of the two plants which produce the following progeny: 318 one- pod normal, 98 one-pod wrinkled, 323 three-pod normal and 104 three-pod wrinkled.


How can all organisms share the same 4 bases DNA and still be so diverse?


A single base exchange mutation occurs in the promoter of the TRP operon. How the operation of the HIS operon might be affected in two ways?