Genetics Interview Questions
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what is parkinson's gene?

2 3738

What is gene expression

1 3034

differentiate Mitosis and Meiosis ?

7 13502

what is Regeneration ?

1 2315

what is Punnett square ?

2 4085

what are the sex linked traits in humanbeings?

2 3739

what are splice junction mutations?

1 3436

Does unwinding DNA cause aging?


Is Jurassic Park -- Completely impossible?


Is Recombination in Human Mitochondrial DNA really possible?


what is the Impact Of Gene Cloning?

1 3787

Has vitamin c been produced in a human naturally before?


How do you recognise that it is deoxyribose nucleic acid?

2 3462

what is Sickle Cell Anemia ?

2 3715

what causes heterosexuality?


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Un-Answered Questions { Genetics }

The village of Oblong has 400 normally-shaped residents. Transferrin is an iron carrier found in blood, and electrophoretic variation of this protein is determined by an autosomal codominant system. The citizens of Oblong were typed for their transferrin complements. The distribution of transferrin phenotypes was: 100 CC, 100 CD, and 200 DD. What is the frequency of the C allele?


What are the 8 steps that are involved in genetic engineering?


Has vitamin c been produced in a human naturally before?


Why does RNA have 5 bases and DNA has only 4?


A base deletion occurs in the regulator gene of the LAC operon. Describe how the operation of the LAC operon might be affected?


what are the genetical reasons behind obesity?


What are the down sides of Genetic Engineering?


A blastomere was removed from an 8-cell human embryo, and its beta-globin gene was amplified by PCR. The beta-globin DNA was treated with an enzyme that cuts on either side of and within the normal allele (producing a small fragment), but not within the sickle cell allele (producing a large fragment). Electrophoresis of the treated DNA from the blastomere demonstrated the presence of both a large and small fragment derived from the beta-globin genes. How should you interpret this test?


In the definition of mutation we say sudden heritable change i the DNA, so what does sudden means here?


7) Diabetes is recessive. A) If woman has diabetes and marries a man that doesn’t have it, is it possible for their offspring to acquire this disease? A A Aa Aa Aa Aa a a genotypes Phenotype 100% Aa, Heterozygous 100% No diabetes B) If none of the father’s ancestors had ever had diabetes, would their children have a chage of getting the disease? Explain


How can all organisms share the same 4 bases DNA and still be so diverse?


What is the importance of genetics?


Are there additional resources / individuals that you can recommend for my paper?


What are the benefits/risks when company traditional and genetically engineered breeding?


In sesame, the one-pod condition (P) is dominant to the three-pod condition (p), and normal leaf (L) is dominant over wrinkled leaf (l). The two characters are inherited independently. Determine the genotypes and phenotypes of the two plants which produce the following progeny: 318 one- pod normal, 98 one-pod wrinkled, 323 three-pod normal and 104 three-pod wrinkled.