Genetics Interview Questions
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Gene = cistron = intron + exon?

2 9281

Is codominance inheritance same with incomplete dominance inheritance?

2 4619

Is There any way in which a currently living could be mutated in reality to such a large scale as to which others could see the mutation, such as a third arm?


How is co-dominance different from incomplete dominance

5 6089

is male child have more gentical sequence as of father or mother?

7 6194

why dna has no uricel while rna had?

3 4338

if mutation occurs at the antron region of primary RNA, then what will be it causes?

5 4552

Name three scientists involved in Human Genome Project?

2 3582

father of biology

9 6596

what is totipotency

9 10091

steps involved in transcription

3 4880

Genetic engineering harms or benefits human societyharms? What obstacles must gene therapy overcome? What instrumentation is required for DNA sequence analysis and how does it work?


what is the method used to identify your transformed cells from the plasmid vector?

2 6478

what is virgin sex?



how was school like for someone with turner's syndrome?


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Un-Answered Questions { Genetics }

how was school like for someone with turner's syndrome?


Why was rii locus chosen by Benzer for his experiment?


7) Diabetes is recessive. A) If woman has diabetes and marries a man that doesn’t have it, is it possible for their offspring to acquire this disease? A A Aa Aa Aa Aa a a genotypes Phenotype 100% Aa, Heterozygous 100% No diabetes B) If none of the father’s ancestors had ever had diabetes, would their children have a chage of getting the disease? Explain


What are the 8 steps that are involved in genetic engineering?


Can you name a few potential risks of Genetic Engineering?


Why would farmers, doctors, and manufacturers be interested in Genetic Engineering?


What situations might be viewed as ethical uses of human cloning? Are you doubtful, fearful, or hopeful about human cloning?


A number of plant species have a recessive allele for albinism; homozygous albino (white) individuals are unable to synthesize chlorophyll. If a tobacco plant heterozygous for albinism is allowed to self-pollinate and 500 seeds germinate: a)how many offspring will be the same genotype as the parent? b)how many seedlings would you expect to be white?


In cats yellow is due to gene B and black to its allele b. These genes are located on the X chromosome (sex-linked). The heterozygous results in calico (tortoise shell). What kinds of offspring (sex & color) are expected from the cross: black male & calico female? Most calico males are sterile, why?


What are the benefits/risks when company traditional and genetically engineered breeding?


What is the importance of genetics?


The village of Oblong has 400 normally-shaped residents. Transferrin is an iron carrier found in blood, and electrophoretic variation of this protein is determined by an autosomal codominant system. The citizens of Oblong were typed for their transferrin complements. The distribution of transferrin phenotypes was: 100 CC, 100 CD, and 200 DD. What is the frequency of the C allele?


Is Genetic Engineering worth the cost and effort?


What is Heterozygote detection?


What is the function of BCSP31gene of Brucella organism?