Chemistry Interview Questions
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Why is salt thrown on the frozen road ?

2 4367

Why a hot day in Calcutta causes more discomfort than are equally hot day in Delhi ?

1 2648

When the heat rays from the sun area focused on a piece of black cloth by means of a lens, the cloth catches fire. Why ?

1 3318

Why cooling is produced when a wet ?khus khus? screen is hung on the doors and windows ?

1 8389

Why do we feel chilly in damp clothes ?

1 3326

In winter, on a cold morning, the cement feels colder to the foot than a carpet. Why ?

1 3543

While standing on railway platform and heating the whistle of an engine coming towards us , we hear the sound increasing; bit when the engine is receding from us it appears to fall why ?

1 2456

Why does a freely supended magnetic needle always point North and South ?

1 3069

Why is sometimes a succession of echoes heard ?

1 2996

Why is an echo not heard in a small room ?

3 9512

What are the soldiers in an army, while crossing a bridge ordered to go out of step?

1 3201

We see the sun before it rises above the horizon in the morning. Why?


1 5217

Why do eye-glasses become fogged, when the wearer comes form the cold outdoors into a warm room ?

2 3162

Why has every parachute a hole in the centre ?

1 3208

Why is a halo formed round the moon, when the sky is clear ?

1 3128

Un-Answered Questions { Chemistry }

What is the brigg's raucher reaction?


How require to develop GC method? how to select diluent, GAS, column selection and other chromatographic conditions?


please explian me about area normalisation method,diluted standard method,impurity vs impurity and which one has to be selected in method development


Qc interview questions


if you have given one product then how you determine the impurity in that?


What does it mean for a molecule or a ligand to be "chiral"? What properties does chirality impart to a molecule? : Polymer Chemistry


Define Vulcanization?


How do you explain the different solvent power of water and other organic solvent?


What are the two most abundant elements in the universe?


In BP2013, Loperamid HCl monograph. Assay by titration with 0.1N sodium hydroxide using hydrocloric acid 0.01N and reading the volume added between the 2 points of inflexion. I have a question that if the diluent solvent is ethanol is certainly consumed a amount of volume of titrant, so this volume must be eliminated on the result calculation or not apart from first point which is subtracted above.


Explain how do you extract ephedrine from a mineral block?


What should be the level/ Percentage of Arsenic in Arsenic free zinc.


Why only Copper standard is used to calibrate Atomic Absorption spectrophotometer?


what is mean by ambient temperature?


Why is disodium salt of edta preferred to edta?