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Answer / bhaskar
CADB Collectif Accordeon Diatonique Bretagne (French: Breton
Diatonic Autton Accordion Federation)
CADB Chemically Activated Direct Bonding (epoxy-free, zero-
thickness bondline optical assembly process)
CADB Chemically Activated Direct Bonding (trademark of
Precision Photonics; Boulder, CO)
CADB Chinese Association Dragon Boat (University of California
at Irvine)
CADB Centralized Applicants Database
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Since the interest rates on fixed deposits are very low as compared to the other growth oriented investment options, what are the permitted investment options that a public trust like that of a private school or small credit societies have and which are permitted by charity commissioner, Mumbai
Financial Management vs Management accounting?
Which element do you need to enter during document posting to distinguish between international and local GAAP (generally accepted accounting principle)?(any 2 answer) • Account group for the account approach • Ledger for the ledger approach • Ledger group for the ledger approach • Account for the account approach
Who are the Users of Financial Information
What is Contigent Liability?
classify the following into personal,real,nominal a/c-capital interest, purchase,drawing,sales return,outstanding rent,bills payable,club a/c, bill's receivable,bills payable,salary
what is capital budgetting?
can you define exogenity endogenity both terms are from economics both are different from exogenous & endogenous variables. I can not find the answers. please help if you can....
what is loan syndication?
basic rules in accounting
10 Answers CA, ITC Infotech, KDCC,
Dear Sir, i am working automobiles manufacturing company. pls tell me following under head in tally 9.00:- Type of A/c= ledger under creat Sales = Sales Account Purchases= Purchase Account Excise Duty on Sales=???? Education & she=??? Cenvat on Purchase=??? HVat=???? CST=??? Excise P.L.A.=????? TDS=????? WCT=???