what is audit
Answered but misspelled pl correc IT Financilas means profit and loss a/c,balance sheet including (Ans.LESSEHEDU)
loss of pay for a employee when he is not having single leave bal. in his account that time what is the calculation 2) what exactly the days to be considered i.e. 26 days or 27 days i.e. to arrive at salary per day what exactly the days to be divid
diff b/w debenture and bond?
4 Answers American Express, Bank Of America, Syntel,
Explain why the assets of a partnership are usually revalued before the admission of a new partner or the retirement of an existing partner
Office cash was stolen? state whether the following transcation is business transcation or non business transcation?
What is the definition of LOSS. Give the formula if any.
example irr
capital reserve and revenue reserve
venture capital
Who will be called as consignor
What are the main Reconciling entries in Bank Reconciliation?