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RRDonnelley Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

What are your long term professional goals?

1 6358

What is the number of zeros of the product of the first 100 numbers ?

37 44328

i have a doubt can anyone tell me where are scripts stored while using QTP.Tell me the exact procedure takes place in real time?like how we call scripts how to proceed after writing scripts?how scripts are executed etc?i heard some use Qc whether others dont tell me whole procedure for both the things it will be a very big i have interview i want to have whole idea on this.its very urgent.


what is meant by derivatives

2 8887

deferred revenue expenditure

9 15431

capital expenditure , revenue expenditure

6 10562

types of derivatives

10 27888

investment banking

2 6522

hedge fund, hedging

2 6378

nav , npv

2 14507

market capitalisation

2 6194


4 8058

npv, arbitrage

1 7419

what is mean by reserve?

5 8733

What is mean by bills receivable?

6 11357

Post New RRDonnelley Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

If you have a dataset that contains 100 variables, but you need only five of those, what is the code to force SAS to use only those variables?


What is the meaning of "Modulus" and "Alignment" in a datafile. Data file might be from any database. Data file is created through unloading data from a table. So, while loading this data into my table, I need to use these keywords. Could any one can help me regarding this?


what is elastic file system (efs) and how it is useful than ebs.


What are the exit codes in node.js? List some exit codes?


What are the versions of power bi?


What are portals in react?


Do you know what mean stack means?


How does the client communicate with server?


Which library is used by the testers and developers to develop automated tests and create testing tools?


volts=230 c=10mf a=??


How will you find the 99th line of a file using only tail and head command?


What are different elements of wcf services client configuration file?


How do you join strings in java?


State the total number of pins in the 8085 microprocessor?


given data are load current & power factor cable core size? plz any one update the calculation formula